18. Discuss with Nagi

Meanwhile, Nagi and Yuka were inside the room at the Nogizaka class and later Fujiwara had a second vision of he almost die saving everyone life but the HQ came to the backup for him and sudden, Yuka inject him with a calm down and Nagi see that Fujiwara had power to see the future.

Nagi: senpai what did you see inside your future?

Fujiwara: I see that I almost die and HQ had some backup for me to get back on my feet

Nagi: so did we die too

Fujiwara: no you are not going to die but I am

Yuka: who kill you in your vision?

Fujiwara: sorry my head still pain from that inject you give me

Yuka: sorry but Nagi we will call each other sometimes

Nagi: yes of course and later senpai

Once Yuka and Fujiwara was back inside the Sakurazaka indoor sport hall and everyone rushing to him and hug him and he fell down on the ground while Yuka was gone and she went back from her Academy and meet Jackson and Miho and tell them about the same thing that she talk to Nagi and Fujiwara about.

Fujiwara: guys what's wrong?

Tamura: I thought we lost you

Fujiwara: why did you think that

Later Morita and Kobayashi came inside the indoor sport hall and see that Fujiwara was back from the talking with Yuka and she can feel something that disturb his mind but he didn't say to her about what he had on his vision.

Morita: nii-chan are you okay?

Fujiwara: yes I'm fine but there have some bad news

Kobayashi: what it the bad news about?

Fujiwara: we are having a gang battle next week

Morita: wait are you fighting with them

Fujiwara: yes I am

Kobayashi: just be careful and don't hurt yourself out there

Right before Yuka came back at the Hinatzaka Academy and Jackson can see her face saying that it was not good news about.

Jackson: Yuka is there something that happen

Yuka: yes it did and we had some gang battle war with other gang clan

Jackson: what? Did Fujiwara know about this

Yuka: yes and he had some his vision and seeing him dead

Jackson: HQ can backup us right?

Yuka: yes he say that HQ backup us but not Fujiwara

Jackson: but we need to protect him at all cost

Miho: who are going to dead?

Jackson: my friend who is going to die just because of fighting the gang clan

The next after and before the gang clan meets with other gang clan members and they want to go start the Hinatzaka gang clan first and the second is Nogizaka gang clan and last, is the Sakurazaka gang clan to be crushed.