19. Fujiwara show his evil badass fight

Inside the Sakurazaka boy dorm and later Jackson had to see Fujiwara had something kind of panic attack and he went outside to fetch both his sister and his girlfriend to cool down once Jackson was inside the girl dorm and he saw the nice timing to grab both of them and to see him.

Jackson: two you come with me

Morita: Jackson what's wrong?

Kobayashi: yea what happen did something bad happen to Fujiwara?

Jackson: I don't know but I need your help to cool down Fujiwara

Later we had arrive at the boy dorm and we saw that Fujiwara had some kind of panic attack or something else.

Morita: nii-chan please calm down

Fujiwara sees that both of them are here and he hugs Morita and she hugs him back and Kobayashi see around as if had a inject his panic attack but out of the blue Kegayama and Nagi appear behind them and Yuka take something to her pocket and she inject him with a panic x into him and later he is cooling down and can breathe now.

Yuka: Fujiwara are you okay now?

Fujiwara: yes I am and why are you here at the boy dorm

Nagi: well we had a bad feeling that something happen to you so we go and visit you

Jackson: are you sure you are okay bro?

Fujiwara: yes I am now but can I have a moment with them, please

Jackson: of course

Later Nagi and Yuka went outside the dorm and just only Kobayashi and Morita were inside the dorm living room with him.

Fujiwara: sorry to shock both of you

Morita: it's okay but why of a sudden do you have a panic attack

Fujiwara: I don't know but I think I have the panic attack just because of the war of the gang maybe

Kobayashi: senpai please take care of yourself and I'm worried about your health

Fujiwara grab her hand and while Yuka and Nagi and Jackson want to go back inside the dorm and sudden they saw that Fujiwara is kissing Kobayashi on her cute lips Morita just closes her eye and Fujiwara break the kiss and he saw that his friend are watching him.

Fujiwara: sorry I didn't know that you are back

Jackson: So how is your body feel?

Fujiwara: it feels great thank you for asking

Nagi: senpai we have to talk in private with Jackson and Yuka

Fujiwara: okay but Morita and Kobayashi need to go back to the dorm and once it's over I visit you

Morita: okay nii-chan

Kobayashi: sure

Later they went back outside and return back to the dorm and just only his friend was at the dorm with him.

Fujiwara: so what did you want to talk about?

Jackson: we have a piece of news about the gang clan starting a war

Fujiwara: who are they going to start?

Nagi: it is the Hinatazaka gang clan start first then the Nogizaka gang clan later the last one is the Sakurazaka gang clan

Fujiwara: why Sakurazaka gang clan is last to defeat

Yuka: we don't know yet but we have to go now and see what they are doing now

Fujiwara: wait we are going to the Hinatazaka gang clan now

They just drag Fujiwara's hand and we go to the Hinatazaka gang clan once we are here and Fujiwara can see that they are fighting and out of a sudden, Fujiwara start to run toward them and Nagi was shouting at him and why did he start to run.

Nagi: senpai what are you running!

Fujiwara: it is for my gang clan that you beat up my delinquent student

Later the Hinatazaka gang clan member sees that Fujiwara the former gang boss is coming toward us but he use his super punch and he beat them with one blast knock out punch.

Fujiwara: you better stay away from them are you get me!!

The Hinatazaka gang clan has defeat Fujiwara in a single one punch hit and they are turned into ash the leader just pee himself in his pant and Fujiwara just punch him and he grabbed his collar and while he was doing there he saw that Fujiwara had a scary eye just like a vampire red eye.

Fujiwara: don't mess with my delinquent student

He just turns into ash and Fujiwara went back to his friend and they can really see him as an evil badass fighting them with one punch.

Fujiwara: is there anything want to get fight with me huh!

Jackson: dude calm down you scared Nagi and Yuka

Yuka: I'm scared but only Nagi

Jackson look at Nagi and she was stay behind Yuka's back and she saw that first time been Fujiwara like this.

Out of the blue, Fujiwara turns back into a normal self and he bows to Nagi she shakes head her head and says that to him.

Nagi: don't know to be sorry I'm sorry too

Fujiwara: sorry to see that I change into an evil badass mode for you to see

Nagi: it's okay but don't do ever that again just running

Fujiwara: of course but I need to go back to see Morita and Kobayashi can I go and visit them

Yuka: of course, you can but tomorrow we have a second gang clan war battle with the Nogizaka gang clan and don't be late

Fujiwara: I won't I'm promise

He had vanished in front of us and he went back to the Sakurazaka dorm and visit Morita and Kobayashi and they see that Fujiwara is back from what is happening in his clothes.