20. Fujiwara destroy Nogiazaka gang clan

Fujiwara had arrived at the Sakurazaka dorm and they both hug him and clean his bloodstain they grab his arm and went inside and others can see that Fujiwara had some kind of fight with him but it was not a normal fight but it was a hard fight with him.

Tamura: senpai what did something happen to you?

Fujiwara: oh you mean this I just got into a fight with a Hinatazaka gang clan and today we have a Nogizaka gang clan

Matsuda: just be careful but don't hurt yourself

Fujiwara: trust me I won't but take this just in case

Yamasaki: what is it for?

He stands up and walks over to Kobayashi and he starts to passionately kiss her cute lips everyone can see that Fujiwara is dating Kobayashi with a sexy kiss and he break their kiss and he went to the next gang clan fight and his friend are there and Fujiwara had vanished in front of us and he went to meet his friend.

Rena: what just happen here and did Fujiwara kiss Kobayashi?

Rei: yes he did and Kobayashi are you feeling okay?

Kobayashi: yes I'm feeling okay where did he go to Morita

Morita: he says to me that he go for a next battle war

Once Fujiwara arrives at the Nogizaka gang clan and he saw sees Jackson and Yuka and Nagi waiting for him to do his magic and which means killing them with a single punch.

Jackson: dude do your magic

Fujiwara: argh fine let do this

Out of the blue, Fujiwara turns into an evil badass mode and they can see that the former gang boss is changing into a monster but he starts to run towards us so fast that they can't dodge the punch.

Fujiwara: what's wrong can't dodge my punch are you

The Nogizaka gang clan want to kill someone inside the dorm but Fujiwara is started in front of them and he punches him and straight down on the ground with smoke he gets angry with him and Fujiwara just use fully blasts into the sky together with the Nogizaka gang clan and other just turn into ash.

Jackson: wow dude that was so fast to beat them

Nagi: I don't know that senpai can beat them in one punch

Yuka: yea he is the best at fighting

After a few hours, later Fujiwara and the Nogizaka gang clan went straight down to the ground full of impact that he make with a sound later we see that Fujiwara had turned back into normal and he walk back toward us.

Fujiwara: so what next?

Yuka: okay the next is the Sakurazaka gang clan right but they want to fight just only you not us

Fujiwara: now we talking and went they want to fight with me

Nagi: they were asking next week before the battle war

Fujiwara: okay just text me if they are ready to beat me

Jackson: of course bro

He went back to the Sakurazaka dorm and out of nowhere, Tamura and Rena had jumped scared of being scared Fujiwara just appeared right in front of them inside the dorm living room without any warning or anything else.