21. Gang battle with Nagi

In the meantime, went Fujiwara was resting at the Sakurazaka dorm with everyone inside the living room and later Jackson blast the door open and he saw that Fujiwara are going to get some rest but he grab his hand and asking him.

Jackson: bro you can't rest yet the gang war haven't over

Fujiwara: Jackson why are you here?

Jackson: I want to say this to you the nogizaka gang war is start now but Nagi can't do anything

Fujiwara: what did you mean by that?

Jackson just teleport with Fujiwara and later other are very confused about what is going on around here with these gang war they were talking about.

Once Jackson had arrive at the Nogizakak gang war and they see that Nagi was fighting alone with Kegayama Yuka with her.

Fujiwara: Yuka? Nagi? Did it start already the gang war

Out of the blue the Nogizaka gang war leader saw that Fujiwara is confused and they are their target for today but he saw them was coming over to him but sadly he kill them in one punch skills.

Fujiwara: you think you can beat me!!

Leader: oh shit!

Jackson: dude relax and don't get too angry with your emitions

Yuka: Jackson let him be

Nagi: yea Jackson

Jackson: but he...

Nagi: Fujiwara senpai please kill them as much as you want them to die

Fujiwara: of course I will and Jackson move

Later the past an hour later Jackson can see that Fujiwara that is killing them in one punch and right before he had killed them but he turn into normal self again but he just collapse on the ground and we carry him and went back to the Sakurazaka dorm and while we are back and Morita and Kobayashi see that Fujiwara have a bit of bloodstain remain on his shirt.

Kobayashi: Jackson what happen to senpai?

Morita: nii-chan wake up

Yuka: he is okay but he need to rest for today

Nagi: he did save us from the Nogizaka gang war

Jackson: it all my fault

Morita: is not your fault

Kobayashi: yea it not your fault but let we wait for a while to see he wake up

Jackson: okay but I need some fresh air to think my mind

While Jackson want to go outside and sudden Miho hug Jackson tightly and he saw that it was Miho is here to keep him company.

Miho: senpai please hug me more if you feel sad

Jackson: Miho...*sobs*

Miho: I'm here to overcome your feeling

Later Miho and Jackson went into the empty room and they let themlves have their moment together.

Jackson: Miho I want to kiss you so much

Miho: I don't know how to kiss

Jackson: let me teach you how to kiss

Meanwhile, Jackson slowly passionate kiss on Miho cute lips and she just follow Jackson movement and they are kissing each other at the empty room alone when they break their kiss and return back to see other at the living room.

Miho: sorry we are late did we miss anything

Yuka: nope and Jackson are you feeling okay now

Jackson: yes I am now

Fujiwara: dude is not your fault

Jackson: Fujiwara...*hug*

He just hug him as a bro hug and later we have the last gang war is happening here at the Sakurazaka gang war but there have someone want to join us to defeat them but his name was Tatsuya and it was Inoue Nagi brother who want to help them.