Resolution (Pt 1)

~The goal of PROJECT INVERSION is the stoppage of the Harvest, and ultimately the salvation of the entire human race. By travelling back in time, certain events can be reversed, thereby leading to a new timeline, and various possibilities~


LOCATION: Adele Street, Lagos

The Family of now five, stepped off from the vehicle, as it automatically parked itself in the garage.

They remained silent as the mother headed toward the door, and after scanning her, it opened. Everyone followed Lara's lead and entered the house. The atmosphere was eerie and tense.

As the father, who was the final one to get in, stepped into the house, the doors closed, and the lashings began.


Lara had rushed from her department as Frank had called her, stating it was important, but not giving her any detail of the matter. She realized that it was because all calls were monitored in the facility, and that too much information on the phone could be implicative. She took permission from her supervisor, and hurried to Frank, who was waiting earnestly for her.

"What happened, have they caught the individuals who got past my ability?" Lara spoke, already out of breath, as she ran a long distance due to the urgency at which her husband spoke.

Even though they shared the same workplace, they hardly ever interacted. And due to the nature of his job, he was hardly ever home. The children also believed he had business overseas, and that was why he was rarely around.

"A-About that Lara... It's our kids..." Frank said, still shaken by the fact.

"What about them? Lara asked still confused.

Frank had told her, that even on the few occasions that they would converse at the workplace, they should never bring up the kids.

"For security purposes, and other reasons" Frank had told her, not wanting to go into details but she knew what he meant.

The stigmatization toward Ability Users was evident in society, and while it was not too obvious, it also existed in the Special Ability Division. The Ability users were seen as the load bearers and the expendable workforce, while the others took the positions of supervisors, commanders, captains, and other positions of authority over the Ability Users.

The marriage between Frank and Lara, and the fact that they had children was kept secret in the Agency. Only the appropriate authority knew of this, and since it was permitted, they wedded. They however did not tell their colleagues, or any other person related to their line of work.

"The ones who disrupted your ability are our kids! They are Ability Users." Frank whispered.

"What?!" Lara asked in disbelief, however the look on Frank's face told her he was dead serious.

"You're sure it was them? Did they see you, were you recognized?" Lara's questions started.

"I'm sure, I'd know my kids anywhere. Michael recognized me and he even called me 'Dad', then Tenny caught on as well. I managed the situation well, and the others don't know of our ties with them... Yet, but it's only a matter of time." Frank answered Lara.

Lara could not believe what she was hearing. Why and how would this kids do this? She had not given off the slightest hint about the true nature of her job. The Firm was the perfect cover for the true nature of her work.

The building they were in was underground, with the Firm directly above them on the surface. They also never exhibited abilities, and even if they had manifested any, they would have come running to her. Those were the kids Lara knew, but what she was hearing now defied all logic and reason.

"I don't believe it..." Lara managed to mutter.

"I don't know what we should do..." Frank said, also scared and concerned.

"Where are they? I want to see them, talk to them if possible." Lara suddenly said.

"That would be impossible" Frank shook his head.

"Tenny as well as someone else who aided them are in the auxiliary chamber..."

"There was someone else?" Lara asked in confusion.

"Yes... I don't recognize him though. It feels like I know nothing about them anymore..." Frank said, devastated.

"What about Michael? Where is he?" Lara said, switching the topic.

"He's in a more precarious position. The Major General is personally interrogating him." Frank croaked.

"What? Oh God. Why?" Lara said, now panicking.

"Michael was the one who asked for it. I don't know why, and I know you won't like what I'm about to say but... That did not feel like our Michael." Frank said in a sad, but suspicious tone.

"I want to see them first, before making any assumptions." Lara protested.

"You can't. For one, your department has no business with interrogation, and you are acting outside your scope of duty, without backing from your superior no doubt. Besides... You're too close to this case." Frank said.

"Don't give me that. You're the commander in charge of the Special squad. Make it happen!" Lara spoke angrily.

"Even I can't just question them, not without due process. That's how sensitive the matter is. You should know that... Since you're the one who closed the Gate."

"But still, Frank. They're our kids..." Lara said, close to tears.

"I know, and that's why we should think of something. We still have a bit of time before connections are made. Since I'm the commander in charge of the capture, and you're the agent who closed the gate, we'll be privy to some information." Frank stated, and his wife affirmed.

"We can also try putting the blame on the last boy, or a third party, probably a mind control ability or something else in that direction. Anyways, we don't have time, we should move..."

Frank was still speaking when the door to the main interrogation room opened.

Both Lara and Frank grew stiff as they saw the Major General emerge from the room and shortly after, their son, Michael.

Both of them were shocked, however, to see Michael and the Major, who was known to be quite sadistic and harsh, smiling at each other. The Major looked toward their direction and immediately they saluted.

Major Lanre moved toward them, Michael being a step behind him.

"At ease agents." He spoke gruffly as the two agents as they put their hands behind them, and eased their legs.

The Major looked to the direction of Michael, who gave him a knowing smile, letting him gulp down the saliva which had been forming in his throat. He smiled back nervously, and turned forward to the agents before him.

Clearly, they were related to Michael, as he had never seen them at the same place before, though he knew they were married, with children.

"Looks like we have a misunderstanding, the kids are innocent. I'll brief you, as well as the other agents in a few moments time, as soon as I cross examine and evaluate what i have discovered." Major Lanre said, shocking the couple.

"Commander, take the boy to where the others are being held. Let there be no more questioning and harassment, they're clearly innocent. If you'll excuse me, agents, I'll be taking my leave now."

Major General Lanre quickly walked away, gritting his teeth with an stifled angry expression on his face as he felt disgraced.

He left Michael behind, along with the confused parents.

Frank and Lara were shocked to say the least. They looked as the Major General faded from their sight and were still staring in disbelief when a voice interrupted their thoughts.

"Um, Commander, I would very much like to see my brothers." Michael said as he smiled at his parents.

They both looked him in disbelief as he kept smiling at them. They maintained silence for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"We'll talk later" Michael whispered, "Commander?"

"Oh, right away. Come with me" Frank said as he guided Michael to his direction and began to move away toward the auxiliary holding chamber.

He looked back at the still confused Lara, and mouthed, "It'll be alright, trust me. Now go back to work."

It took a few seconds for Lara to understand what he was saying, but even after she was still worried. Then she saw him smile reassuringly to her, which calmed her as she returned to her department and resumed the work she left.

It didn't take long before the Major General held a conference and announced what Michael had told him to say.

There were lots of speculations and questions but they were all addressed and so the boys were let go after a supposed brainwashing session to make them forget what happened, which of course... never happened.

The Commander, Frank, was put in charge of returning them home and explaining the situation to their parents or guardians.

Lara also went with him, since the appearance of a woman would also calm the parents down, and since only a few were related to the case, and Lara seemed the perfect fit, she was assigned with the Commander for the job, all according to Michael's plan.

The case concerning the entire matter was closed. The Gate was no longer a threat, and any information concerning the boys and their involvement in it was redacted, and was mostly rendered non existent.

Since the report had not been made to the higher ups at the national level, it was easier to lie and cover up their involvement. So, as suddenly as the case sprang up, it died.

The three boys went their merry way with the agents to their house, supposedly rendered oblivious on what had just transpired and on their way back to their normal lives, or so it would seem.

"What the hell happened? Tell me everything!" Lara rang immediately the door was shut, with their father standing in front of it, as though guarding their way of escape.

Tenny glanced nervously at Michael, who had already expected all that was happening.

Michael took a deep breath and began speaking.

"Where do I start..."