

Rody couldn't hear what Ray was saying into the mouthpiece. He caught a few words like 'roof', 'afternoon' and 'my people' but not enough to make a comprehensive sentence. Although, he did get a pretty good gist of what they were talking about.

He watched Ray place the handset back on the intercom. Their conversation had been brief. He turned and walked back towards them.

"We're going to meet up with Sheila and her people today afternoon." He said, "I've scheduled the meeting at two. Let's get some food in our stomachs before that."

Rody stood up immediately, "I can help you cook. Any idea what to make?" he asked.

"There's a lot of leftover rice in the fridge." He answered, "Couple of eggs too. I was thinking of making some egg fried rice."

"I'll help too," Meghan said, "Even though I hate cooking."

"We'll handle that then. Can you crack and whisk the eggs?" Rody asked.

"On it."