

Meghan watched the approaching woman cautiously. Her thick hair enveloped her head in a messy yet strangely compact way. She looked a few years older than they were. She had a serious, but not entirely unfriendly expression on her face. Her black crop top and tight, maroon pants made it seem like she was about to head out for a night of drinking with the girls. Meghan secretly questioned her choice of attire considering they were in the middle of a Deathless outbreak. The short strides she took in their direction seemed confident but also cautious. She stopped about five feet from them and planted a long metal pipe in front of her. She placed both hands on top of the curved end and leaned forward.

Meghan frowned slightly. Something about Sheila's demeanor made Meghan feel like they wouldn't get along. In fact, she began wondering if this whole thing had been a bad idea.

Just then, Ray took a few steps towards her and introduced himself.