

"Should we risk it?" Leon asked, standing in front of the D block elevators on the twentieth floor.

"I don't know." Rody replied, "Climbing down seventeen floors worth of steps won't be fun. Then we'll have to climb back up when I'm done packing."

Leon sucked his teeth, "So that's basically the same as thirty four floors. Yeah, I'll hard pass on that. Let's just use the elevator. Wait… were there any Deathless on your floor?"

"Yeah, four of them I think." Said Rody.

"Oh my god," said Leon and threw his head up in resignation, "So you're saying that it's practically suicide taking the elevator down. Well, I'm out. My uh—oh right, my chest hurts. Like really bad. Ouch! Yeah, I can't come. Seventeen floors is too much. I'll just head back to Ray. Good luck to you guys though. I'll be rooting for ya."

Leon began walking up towards the roof when Rody held his shoulder and stopped him.