Stone There And Stone Here

The Inquisitor Golem always channeled its energy into its palm to alchemize everything on it. When it did so, the energy needed to maintain the forcefield was interrupted, resulting in a split second window of the absent forcefield.

Jack observed the energy flow. When it finally started to attract the energy that flowed into the forcefield, Jack hurled the sword with pinpoint accuracy.

Just like he predicted, the forcefield was gone as the edge of the blade traveled into the boundary.

Unfortunately, Jack didn't have enough strength to throw the sword fast enough to achieve the speed required. The forcefield was up again, catching the sword that was only a centimeter away from touching the crystal core.

The Inquisitor Golem stopped. It was confused as its head protruded from the neck to take a glimpse of the latching sword in its crystal forcefield.

Jack saw the opportunity and undeployed his tentacle. Using the three dimensional grid allocation vision, he redeployed the Petra Tentacle right next to the crystal forcefield on the Inquisitor Golem's body.

[Petra Tentacle> Aggressiveness: 72(+20)]

The tentacle clearly acknowledged the golem as an enemy. After it read its owner action when it was allocated as a body part, the tentacle focused the hostile identifier onto the crystal near it instead.

The Petra Tentacle grabbed onto the sword handle, and ripped the forcefield apart as the tentacle brutally pulled to the side.

[Petra Tentacle> Length: 124cm(+4) | Weight: 16kg(+1) | Kinetic Strength: 41kg(+4) | Intelligence Quotient: 45(+3)]

[Petra Tentacle> Type: Grappler>> Fighter {56%}]

It created a large gap in the forcefield. The Inquisitor Golem quickly registered the tentacle as a threat, so it immediately sprayed the projectiles of ignition on its hand onto its body.

"Hehehe, got ya!" Jack then retreated his tentacle again.

The ignition and the electricity began to be chipped and damaged the forcefield and the crystal. They still launched themselves onto Jack in the end as he hid behind the pillar.

When the barrage settled, the fog was pierced by another sword.

The forcefield was damaged even further. Before the Inquisitor Golem knew it, a tentacle manifested from a digital platform on the ground, launching the fallen sword back to the guarded crystal.

As it fell into the strings of the schemer, the mass of stone cracked the energy on its palm before slamming its arm onto the tentacle. At the last second, the tentacle disappeared.

This time, the halberd was flying into the crystal, finally bypassing the forcefield and struck the target.

As it finished its explosive punch, the Inquisitor Golem shifted its gaze onto the smuggish Jack on top of one of the pillars.

At the same time, he redeployed the Petra Tentacle again near the latching halberd. The tendril grabbed the almost broken handle by the explosion, and slammed the halberd down into the crystal.

The light from the Inquisitor Golem's eyes disappeared, leaving crumbling rocks which fell into the ground.

[Petra Tentacle: Kinetic Strength: 42kg(+1)]

[Petra Tentacle> Type: Grappler >> Fighter {62%}]

Jack then redeployed his tentacle back onto his tailbone. "Muahahaha! This old man isn't old anymore!"

[What are you even saying, Jack? You're literally older than the first pixelated dust in this world.]

"That doesn't count!" Jack hopped onto the ground.

With no energy to hold the contraption together, the sleeping mammoth door finally yawned open and revealed an elongated tunnel like that of a moist cave that stretched through the mountain.

Jack gathered his jagged blades, grabbing it with his tentacle. He could imagine himself being a war tactician again like his former self back on his world.

"Now I really want extra tentacles."

[We need to acquire Reality Fragments somehow_

[Wait, Jack, try gathering the fragments of the Inquisitor Golem's crystal.]

"Sure do! Wait a second."

As Jack tried to approach the fragmented crystal, his tentacle unleashed a spark of flames.

[Mutagen {Anti-Heat Flammable Fur} >> (100%)]

[Petra Tentacle has acquired 2 new Mutated Abilities>>

[Kerosene Secretion {MX}: A mutation that gives the tentacle a special gland with the capability of producing flammable hydrocarbon liquids at any quality and type, it could be set into flammable or explosive depending on how volatile the mixture is.]

[Anti-Heat Protein Production {MX}: The capability of distributing and producing a protein that allows the tentacle to be highly invulnerable to high thermal heat. Will distribute the said protein to the host when attached as a body part.]

"Ohoho! The other Mutagen will bear its fruit soon then!" Jack's eyes sparkled the moment he saw the screen appear in front of him. "Holy biscuit! It's a double mutation!"

[Petra Tentacle's Partial Stone Layering {M1} reacted to the Kerosene Secretion {MX} Mutated Ability, resulting in an Irregular Mutation_

[Checking Petra Tentacle's attained action_

[Petra Tentacle have learned {Grab} and {Slam}>>

[Partial Stone Layering {M1} evolved into Flammable Stone Creation {M1}>>

[Flammable Stone Creation {M1}: An irregular mutation that allows the tentacle to emit a material projection of stone coated with various types of kerosene adulteration_

[Using the kerosene-mixer mucus, the tentacle is able to accumulate the petrification RNA outside of the body, allowing the tentacle to build a stone separated from its skin_

[The host will acquire the same ability as the tentacle when it is attached to the body.]

"Huooo!" Surprised, Jack dropped all of the fragments that he had collected. "I don't know what is happening but it's amazing!"

Just like the Partial Stone Layering, the Petra Tentacle immediately sent the information and muscle memory on how to use the ability. In an instant, Jack commanded the tentacle to perform the Flammable Stone Creation.

As the tip of the tendril bended to the side with suckers on it, it secreted a huge amount of mucus before Jack could visibly notice a lump of stone slowly getting bigger, rolling in the same place and catching the petrification RNA.

In just five seconds, Petra Tentacle had created a ball of stone the size of a palm.

"It's amazing and gross at the same time!"