Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Running in the Sunset

On the vertical day, the two brothers ran over in the early morning.

  Nofi looked at Ye Shan, who had turned into a super competitive state with blond hair rising from the sky, sitting cross-legged and meditating with his eyes closed, and asked hesitantly, "Are you Teacher Ye Shan?"

  Since Hayama made the plan yesterday, he has transformed into a super saiyan state training in the state of Jiujiudu. The second transformation can only last for an hour. After one hour, Yeshan's energy is not enough to continue to maintain the super Saiyan state. When the primary school students arrived, they had only made their third transformation into the super competition state. After the first two adaptations, the third time had been able to last for more than 60 minutes.

  Nofi's questioning voice sounded in his ears, and Hayama opened his eyes, his green eyes looked so indifferent, looking at the two brothers.

  "Well, the teacher also wants to practice. Originally, the teacher planned to get rid of the evil cosmic man and was going to leave this planet to continue to practice, but since I agreed to teach you two brothers, I can only stay on this planet and teach you. practiced."

  The two brothers were watched by Hayama's icy green pupils. Frightened, he shook his body uncontrollably.

  The qi in the body was exhausted again, and he had to withdraw from the super competition state. Ye Shan took a long sigh, stood up and said again.

  "Have you two brothers learned from other martial arts masters the skills of training to become stronger?"

  "Mr. Yeshan, you are amazing. You can change your hair and eyes." Fatty Norn said admiringly.

  "No, teacher. The people on the Dura star are very fond of a peaceful life, and we don't like this kind of slaughter. I especially like to study carrots. If there is any conflict between the two, then The two sides will cook a dish with carrots on the spot, and whoever cooks deliciously will be the winner. Our father defeated many contestants with his superb carrot cooking skills and became the king of Dura Star. ."

  "A strange duel method... It seems that these two brothers are little whites with no combat experience at all." Ye Shan thought to himself.

  "Okay, I get it. Now start the first step of the cultivation plan. Both of you have not undergone any training, and your physique is still too weak. I can teach you the rest after you train your body first. Now you two brothers. People started to run along the seaside all the way, and they were not allowed to rest in the middle, and they ran back to the end. If they didn't run back before noon, I'll let you know what cruelty is." Now that you have agreed to be a teacher for two people, you must be serious. Rigorous attitude to teach the two of them, after all, strict teachers produce master students..

  "Ah~, Teacher Yeshan, it's so far." Looking at the almost endless road on the coast in front of him, a timid expression appeared on Norn's face.

  "Noen, I think what the teacher said is very reasonable. Hurry up and start running. Do you still want to be the hero who guards Dura?"

  "Come on, Norn, the teacher said that if we can't run back before noon, we should take a good look." Norfi dragged La Norn and ran to the predetermined location as if he had been on a stimulant.

  When Norn saw his younger brother start running, remembering his heroic dream, his timid expression swept away, became firm, and ran after Nofi.

  Ye Shan shook his head, this Norn's perseverance was much worse than his younger brother Norfi.

  Ye Shan, whose physical energy had been exhausted, had to sit cross-legged on the ground while waiting for the recovery of physical energy, while studying the magic of physical avatar...

  "Nofi, I can't do it anymore, I can't run anymore. Why don't we sit down and take a break?" Running with all his strength, he only ran a few miles, and Norn had already started shouting, and his footsteps began to slow down. The white rabbit fur has been stained with sweat, and he said to his brother panting heavily.

  Nofi's condition was slightly better than his brother's, but he didn't have the momentum he had at the beginning. He kept trotting at a certain speed, and turned around and said to his brother, "No, Norn, the teacher said that you can't rest in the middle."

  "Hu~~ huh. But I really can't run anymore. It's like my feet are filled with lead, and I can't even lift them up."

  "Non, you are so stupid. You ran so fast at the beginning, you were already a little fat. Now you can't run. You have to run at a constant speed like me, although the speed is a lot slower. , but the physical exhaustion is not so fast, and I can stay in the temple for a long time."

  "Hold on, don't you want to be the hero of Dura Star?" Seeing that his brother was about to give up, Norfi began to slow down and run alongside his brother Norn, and encouraged.

  "I see, Nofi. I can! I'm going to be the hero of our homeworld!!" Norn shouted.

  Two rabbits are chasing their dreams under the gentle sunshine, running, running. …

  "It still takes a lot of time. Although I have the cheating tool of 10 times the comprehension, I am a layman in the mysterious thing of magic. It is not something that can be done overnight." After removing the physical clone in front of him, Hayama muttered.

  "It's almost noon, these two elementary school students don't know if they can make it back." Ye Shan took some fresh water from a pale lake in the grove and watered the holy tree seeds planted yesterday.

  Just thinking about this matter, two small black spots appeared in the distance by the sea, and it became clearer and clearer that the two brothers finally lived up to their expectations and ran back.

  Ye Shan stood there and waited for a while, the two elementary school students mixed up as if taking a bath, ran to the front and slumped to the ground exhausted without even talking.

  "Ye... Teacher Ye Shan. Let's run... run over." Norn said while panting.

  Ye Shan nodded with satisfaction: "Hmm~! Just ran back at noon, so it's alright. After lunch, take a rest and continue in the afternoon."*