Chapter 91

Chapter 91 Draw a small book?

"Brother Ye Shan, I'll give you these two pieces. They've eaten the rest. It's really delicious."

Bulma licked his mouth, and handed the two pieces of fruit salad left in his hand to Hashan who had just entered the room and sat down.

It's so delicious, Ye Shan's eyes are full of doubts. There are a lot of delicious things to eat. Since it is the holy fruit, it makes people want to think about it now.

"Well..., it's really good! Lan Qi's craftsmanship is really good!"

Ye Shan took a few bites and praised with a thumbs up.

Just looking at Boomer's greedy eyes, Ye Shan hilariously handed the other piece to Boomer, who seemed to be evolving into a snack foodie, and tucked the messy end of her hair behind her ear.

Boomer returned a sweet smile and lowered his head to eat.

"What about mine, why don't I have it"

Immortal Turtle came in, looked at the... empty big plate on the table, and cried out in dissatisfaction.

Huang Fa Lanqi let out a cold snort and sneered: "No, who will leave you for this lustful old man."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kelin Yamucha quickly found an excuse to sneak out the door with the heavy tortoise shell on their backs and continued to practice.

"Not cute at all..."

Immortal Turtle murmured in a low voice, did not dare to answer any more, hurried into the bedroom and locked the door tightly.

Hearing the rude laughter inside, Ye Shan was speechless. Are you so thirsty? After staying in the Guixian house for a while, Bulma and Ye Shan left.

"Don't take the car anymore, I'll take you back directly!"

Grabbing the all-purpose capsule in Bulma's hand, Ye Shan said with a smile.

How to go back Buma was wondering, but when the screen changed, the two appeared at the door of the house.

"Wow! Brother Yeshan, you are so cool, you just returned home in an instant."

Boomer screamed and cheered.

"It's amazing, this is a skill I came from practicing outside."

When he got home, Buma also had his own research to do, and Ye Shan was alone in the back garden sitting on a chair doing nothing, not knowing what to do.

"What should I do? There are still a few days left for the 23rd Martial Arts Club. It is not a matter of time to improve my strength... It can be done in a moment..."

Hayama held his chin and thought deeply.

"By the way, first plant the seeds of the holy tree, and then practice a spawning magic to harvest a large number of fruits in a very short period of time."

Yeshan closed his eyes and searched the thousands of magics recorded from the Yara star in his head, and there were all kinds of strange magics in it. He quickly found this one that can spawn any plant and completed the practice! "This is...Kurdish King blood, and I remember a clone machine from Du."

Yeshan opened the dimension pocket, and was about to take out the holy tree from it and saw it for a while... He collected the small bottle of Kurdish king's blood under his will.

Shaking his head, he swept aside these insignificant things for a while, took out a large bag of holy tree seeds, planted them on a green grass, and cast the new student magic. .

Twenty small green buds soon appeared on the ground, and in just a few minutes they grew to a height of several meters.

"It seems that the harvest can be harvested in a few days. Am I a farmer..."

Hayama laughed at himself.

Afterwards, Hayama sat on a chair and put a few books on the table to enjoy it carefully.

That's right, that's right... The remaining five collector's edition small books, Ye Shan had already read it once in ancient times, and now I just take it out for pondering and reference...

"I will use these few days to study these... how the moving little book is drawn, let me also draw the last one and publish it.

But it's better not to be discovered by Bulma..."

Ye Shan raised his head and looked around like a thief about to commit a crime, and when he found that no one was present, he put his eyes on the small book in his hand with confidence.

With Ye Shan's fiery eyes that he had read countless meats in his previous life, he quickly learned it thoroughly, and instantly turned into a Huang Jian master, and he spoke well about the strengths and weaknesses in the book.

"Sure enough, this world is still too monotonous compared to a certain country in the previous life that has multiplied this culture to the extreme, and there is not a little bit of excitement that seeps into it, so let me, Yeshan, put this culture here. Carry it forward and let it shine brightly!"

The egg-pained Hayama began to do nothing, and initiated his own 2nd oath.

Early in the morning, Hayama went out alone to buy some props for painting.

"Someone robbed!"

Suddenly a high-pitched soprano rang through the street, and then a car flew in front of it, and on it sat two bearded robbers with small pistols in their hands.

"How can you encounter this kind of shit when you go out."

Ye Shan sighed and let out two bursts of energy, knocking out the two rampant robbers in the car.

After quietly killing the two robbers, Hayama continued to walk to his destination.

Soon Ye Shan returned to Bulma's house with a large box in his hand.

"Ye Shan went out so early, is this a gift for Bulma?"

Mrs. Brives, who was pruning the garden, was very sharp-eyed, and she found the box in Hashan's hand and laughed.

"Mrs. Morning, I bought this for my own use."

Ye Shan casually said that he came to the back garden again with the box.

I took out a lot of things in the box, put them on the table and started to draw slowly.

"Brother Yeshan, what are you doing here? Why are there so many strange trees over there, and there are still fruits on them."

Boomer's voice sounded behind him.

Ye Shan calmly covered the manuscript paper that was halfway through in his hand, turned around and changed the subject: "Those are the sacred trees that I obtained from the universe, and they can bear miraculous and delicious fruits, I'll pick them up for you to taste!"

Ye Shan's figure fluttered in an instant, and there were nearly a thousand holy fruits on the ground. He picked up one and handed it to Boomer: "Try it, as long as you imagine what you want to eat, it can become the taste you want. "

"It's really delicious, I almost forgot, the 23rd Martial Arts Conference will start tomorrow!!"

Bulma picked up another after eating one, and suddenly said embarrassed in the middle of eating.

"Okay, then we'll go see it tomorrow!"

Ye Shan smiled and took out a torn piece of paper from the pile of drawing paper and wiped the rosy juice on Booma.

But Bouma's eyes were fixed on Ye Shan's half-portrait painting, and he asked in surprise, "Brother Ye Shan, are you the one who drew me? It just doesn't look like it."

"Ah! That's right, what Haha drew, I didn't draw well the first time!"

Ye Shan was very lucky, fortunately, he only drew an outline, otherwise Bulma saw that he was drawing those...bad things, and it would not explode.