Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Energy Sword Skill

"Go to hell, traitor, and the cosmic native who killed Peter! Hahaha!"

Bu Qin, who was hiding above the clouds, looked at the two who could no longer dodge his full attack, and laughed wildly with a fierce face.

Bu Qin didn't leave at all, how could he, who was arrogant and violent, could endure Zanjia who dared to betray him and others, and the man who killed Peter's existence, just wondering if his strength could beat this man? Not too confident.

So he has been hiding in the clouds above, secretly looking for an opportunity to kill the two with one blow.

The opportunity soon came, looking at the absent-minded two Buchin's eyes with murderous intent, but in the bottom of his heart he didn't dare to care for it, and he blasted his own trick down without any spare energy, Gu Ying. To kill the two in an instant and silently.

"The little bugs underestimate me too..."

Although the speed of the energy wave is very fast, in Yeshan's eyes, it's not a big deal. The figure suddenly appears in front of the energy wave and raising his leg is... a kick! The energy wave that came in a straight line was kicked by Yeshan with all his might. Twisted 90 degrees, the horizontal shot with unabated momentum hit the horizontal horizontal sky on the side.

This energy wave looks powerful, but in fact it is not a threat to Ye Shan at all. If it wasn't for Zanjia, who was within the attack range of the energy wave, I was afraid that she would be wiped out by this blow, and Ye Shan didn't need to hide at all. .

"Why didn't you get scared and stupid? Did you see it? The companion in your eyes can be said to be unscrupulous. In an instant, he turned his face to recognize someone and wanted to kill you and me at the same time."

Ye Shan sneered lightly.

One or two are like this, showing no mercy to themselves.

Zanjia only felt that she was going crazy, and screamed: "Bastard, you don't need to say anymore!!"

Unable to bear the blow so soon, Ye Shan shook his head and raised his head, staring coldly at Bu Qin who was hiding in the clouds.

I output the maximum energy attack and he was knocked flying! Run away! This man is too strong, I am not an opponent, I must escape from here to rescue the leader and let him deal with this man! Buchin looked down in panic and kicked the energy Ye Shan, who was kicked away by the wave, burst into a sharp wave of energy, and quickly turned around and flew towards the outer space of the planet to escape from this place.

"Haha! Think about it for yourself here, I'll go and get rid of this little bug that wants to escape first."

A teasing voice was left on the spot, and Ye Shan disappeared instantly.

Bu Qin's speed was very fast, and he ran with all his strength and quickly burst out of the atmosphere, turning into a streamer like lightning, and rushing into the depths of the cosmic starry sky.

"Hey Zanjia, you ****, when I rescue the leader, I must kill you with my own hands, and that... disgusting man, too, must die!!! Keep going wild until that I stayed by myself: the tens of thousands of years of the planet completely turned into a small spot of light behind him, and Buchin stopped a little.

It's just that the breath and soul are set by Hayama, no matter what...

It would be futile for him to escape.

Suddenly, Ye Shan's figure quietly appeared not far behind Bu Qin.

At this time, Bu Qin was still thinking about what kind of cruel method he should use to torture and kill her after he caught her, but he didn't find out and had no way to find Ye Shan who appeared behind him.

"Escape, why don't you continue to escape? I thought you could escape to which corner of the universe."

Ye Shan said calmly, just as he was thinking about Buchin, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"It's you! How could you catch up so quickly."

Buchin turned around suddenly and let out a loud cry.

"That's right, it's me! You are very courageous. You said that if you spare your life, you have to attack me for death. You can't blame me for that."

Ye Shan smiled coldly, a fiery red aura began to emerge from his whole body, his hair instantly turned into aura, the fiery red diffused, and his form changed into a super-race god state.

The earth-shattering aura of destruction invaded Bu Qin until his whole body became cold, and there was a suffocation in his mind that made him almost breathless.

So scary!! It feels like facing an immortal god of destruction.

Buchin was surrounded by the aura of destruction that permeated the entire starry sky, and a strong sense of despair rose in his heart.

Looking at the man in front of him with a fiery red mist surging all over his body, under that terrifying gaze, Bu Qin only felt that he was inferior to an ant.

BoJack! No, BoJack is just a little ant in this breath that almost devours people.

Invincible, absolutely impossible!! "What is this...what monster are you!!"

Buchin screamed in horror, his body trembling involuntarily.

"I am the god of all ages! Little bug, you can die proud enough to see me in this form."

Ye Shan's tone was lingering, and his pupils were constantly churning with divinity.

"God hahaha! What a fucking god, god doesn't exist at all, haha! I am the god, you native dare to argue with me"

Bu Qin pointed at Ye Shan with dull eyes, saliva left from the corner of his mouth without knowing it, and laughed out of his mind.

Ye Shan frowned, this is not going to be a fool, but Buchin hovered and flew over quickly, and continued to shout: "I am the god, I am the galactic war god 10,000 years ago, no one is me Your opponent! Die to death you heresy who dares to pretend to be a god!"

This is stupid! I haven't done it yet... "Since there is nothing to say, let me send you to see the old horse."

Ye Shan was a little speechless and murmured softly.

Reaching out with one hand, the aura full of destructive aura filled in the hand and condensed into a ball, and then suddenly a burst shot forward 2 meters and it was frozen, the aura on the edge kept squirming and changing. Aura, the fiery red transparent sword formed by materialization appeared in his hand.

The sword was 2 meters long and 5 fingers wide, and Ye Shan swung his hand and slashed towards the front, creating a huge spatial ripple.