Good luck

"I forgot to bring clothes..." I mumble to myself as I pull myself out of the sleeping bag, "good thing everyone is still asleep." I walk to the nearest bag, and see the clothes inside. A white T-shirt with a golden tree on it and black jeans with ripped knees. I look at the owner who's sleeping unaware that I'm robbing her, "Hey, you wouldn't mind if I take these right? If you don't say no, I'll take it as you saying yes... alright. Thank you for your gift." I put the clothes on after taking off my previous clothes.

I walk out of the room, deciding to find the cafeteria to get something to eat. I see a student walking down the hall holding a slice of pizza. I walk over to them, "Hey, can you tell me where the cafeteria is?" He looks at me and nods, "Yea, it's right down the hall in the direction I came from. You'll see a pair of doors, it's hard to miss."

I thank him and make my way down the hall. Sure enough, it was hard to miss the doors. I could have found it on my own, as the smell of food was getting stronger the closer I was to it. I walk through the door and meet a very standard school cafeteria. Just rows and rows of tables with bench seats. There is a line for food but it's not long, 20 people at most. I join the fast moving line and get lost in the people's idle chatter. A little habit of mine, you can learn many things from just listening to people talking. What they like, what they dislike, where they spend their time, things going on, what clothes are in trend, pretty much anything.

The selection of food was much larger than I would have guessed. There was chicken, grilled cheese, various salads, cheeseburgers, and of course pizza. I grab two slices of the cheesy pizza and almost drool at how delicious it smells. I'd kill for pizza, literally.

Not bothering to sit at a table I just walk around the school while eating. With how large the school is, it's creepy when it's this empty. Most of the classes haven't even started yet, with just a few students watching their teacher prepare for the day's lesson. With nothing else to do I walk back into the ballroom to see more students up and about.

"Wake up lazy butt!" Says an energetic girl, how I would love to have that much energy when I wake up. Of course, the person she was talking to was the exact opposite of her. I would have mistaken him for a corpse if he didn't sit up after the girl practically shouted in her ear. Laughing at their interaction I look around for Yang. By the time I find her shes already dressed and talking with Ruby.

"What do you think those two are so worked up for?"

"I wouldn't know Rubes, though I could say the same to you." Yang says rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, failing to see me walk up to them. "Well, I'd say that starting your first day in such a grand school is something to be happy about."

"AHH! WHERE'D YOU COME FROM!" Flinching from Ruby's scream I rub my ears. "Could you perhaps not? I'm sure you just woke up the rest of the kids here with that scream of yours." Rubbing her head in embarrassment, Ruby apologizes to me and we start making our way to their lockers. "Anyway, I think you're right! It is a great deal getting into this school. I wonder what they have planned for us? Also aren't you the same age as most of us here, why are you calling us kids?"

Shaking my head to her I explain, "While we may be the same age physically, I'd say I'm a bit older mentally. Y'know, more mature." They just nod their heads not arguing with me... I guess making a speech to defend my claim was unnecessary.

"Anyway, I heard they were forming teams today." I look at her confused, I haven't even heard that yet. I hear everything, "Where'd you hear that from?" She just chuckles and says something about having hidden sources. I'll just shelve it for now. "Anyway, Ruby, If you wanna grow up you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together."

"Ughh, you sound like dad. What does meeting new people even have to do with fighting!? I don't even need people to grow up, I drink my milk!" Yang cocks a brow, "And what about teams?"

Ruby just sighs and points at me and Yang, "I'll just make a team with you two." Yang shakes her head, "Why don't you try being on someone else's team?"

"Le gasp, my dear sister and friend. Are you saying you don't wish to be on my team?" Ruby starts shedding shallow tears and Yang already breaks. "What, no! Of course I wanna be on your team, I just thought that maybe being with new people would break you outta your shell."

"What... I don't need to break out of any shell. Besides, Slate's new and I'm talking to her." I nod, as her point makes sense.

"Would all first-year students please make their way Beacon Cliff for initiation. Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff, now." Comes the ever annoyed tone of Goodwitch from the speaker. Well, miss pushy, what crawled into your coffee? I follow Yang and Ruby to the cliff as a comfortable silence falls between us. We pass the ice princess and a hot redhead along the way, as the red warrior retrieves her golden spear that was pinning a blonde boy to the wall. Yang and Ruby go to talk to the boy, whose name I heard was Jaune from Ruby. I stay with them, but zone out not interested in what they were talking about.

When my mind returns to the present I'm overlooking a vast forest. Trees stretch for miles, being the only thing that I can see besides the occasional Nervermore flying above the tree. The headmaster, looking tired as ever, starts speaking a bit less monotone than last time.

"For years, you have trained your hardest to be warriors. Today, your effort will be tested and evaluated in the emerald forest. I'm sure many of you have heard rumors of being given teams." I haven't, I pout towards him. "I will give you an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates by the end of this assessment. The first person you lock eyes with after landing will be your partner for the rest of the time you spend here at Beacon. Any questions?"

Jaune raises his hand, "Umm, sir?"

Oz sighs and straightens his glasses, "Yes?" Jaune stutters while trying to speak, and takes a second to calm down when the words aren't coming out. "So uh, you mentioned landing right? Are you gonna be giving us parachutes or are you dropping us off or like...?"

"Hmm, no you'll be falling. You should use your own strategy to land safely. Good luck." As if he had it timed, the second he stopped speaking Jaune was launched off joining the rest of the students in their descent. I knew something was strange when he glares at me, the last person up on the cliff. I skipped. Laughing nervously to myself I wave at him as he and Glynda make their way towards me.

The silence, that I normally enjoy, is now strangling me as I drown in the intensity of his glare. As if multiple people were watching through the same pair of eyes. I gulp, holding my nervously grin, as he stops in front of me. "You... there are no records of you at all. None. I wonder what a ghost would be doing here, care to tell me?"

"Ah yes well the thing is... I come from a hidden village far from here. It was destroyed by Grimm long ago so I wouldn't be shocked if you couldn't even find the remains of it. That's why I have no records. As for how I why I am here, well I boarded an airship and flew here. Not that hard to do. I have no goal directly to your school, just have to look over a student. That's all."

"Well that makes sense. Would you mind telling me what student you have to protect, I could even assist you in it?" He asks, keeping his voice neutral. "Sorry, can't do that. Well I could, but I don't want to. Besides, if you've actually been watching me I'm sure you already know and are just asking this for confirmation."

He blinks and nods, "Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, or Ruby Rose. Though I doubt it's Blake, as you seem to look for the sisters more. So that leaves Yang and Ruby. The only person I could think of that would ask you to protect Yang would be either Tai or Raven. Though, once again there could be others... and I wouldn't think Raven would actually send one of her people to protect someone else."

He looks back at me, "Ah sorry, I've been talking to myself. Well, I suppose I could launch you down there now but I'll let you choose. You hold yourself like someone who knows how to fight, so I'll let you fight my assistant. If you manage to last more than a minute you pass and I'll let you choose the team you're on. Or you could join the rest down in the forest."

'hmm, those are good options. Which one should I ch-"I'll fight the witch." As if he knew I would choose this, he nods and steps to the side as Glynda starts approaching me. He smiles at me and gives his last words before the fight, "Good luck. Fight starts," he pulls out a silver stopwatch from his suit, "now."