The moment we kicked the door open, we witnessed a horrific and brutal scene.

The girl who was screaming, was getting torn apart flesh to bone by another person! And If I were to go into detail about the whole incident (no matter how disgusting it may sound), the girl who was screaming, was getting her insides ripped out by the other person (whom I thought was familiar, judging from the appearance at the back).

I froze... paralyzed.. I couldn't move a muscle, I just stared at the whole incident with my eyes widened in fear and as I looked at my colleagues, they had the same expression on their faces. I guess they were just as scared as me, I mean, who the heck would get to witness something like this?! And why the heck would someone commit murder on Broad daylight and that too inside a freakin dorm room in a University?!

Questions that seemed to have no answers whatsoever, kept piercing my mind like sharp needles. Eitherway, I had to do something. I couldn't just stand there like a coward. Though I kept trying, but I still couldn't move for some reason. "Please Help her someone!" I exclaimed in a whisper. At that moment, I saw my friend, who's name was "John Collins", rushed ahead to grab that man who was apparently being a cannibal and feasting on that girl (like what the heck!?), and pinned him down so he couldn't move.

Another friend of mine, who's name was "Lisa Catherine", quickly went over to the poor girl who was suffering in an endless torture of pain, torn apart and bleeding. The sad and bitter truth was moments later, when the girl became extremely silent and was staring up at the ceiling with dead eyes that seemed to be looking far at a never ending horizon.

"Oh no".. Were the words that came outta Lisa's mouth as she obviously realized that the girl was dead.

Mind you, all of these happened within seconds after we entered the dorm room while I was still frozen to the bone like a disgraceful coward who can't take any decisions properly and just having a panic attack. Yes, I was a Naïve kid back than. Never expected to witness something like that to happen in the first place of course.

John turned the man around (while still pinning him to the ground).. and the man's face... it looked so dead too! had the same dead eyes as the girl who's lying dead now in a huge pool of blood. And the man was growling. Black veins were all around his face as if his face was pressured down by something massive, and his mouth was filled with the flesh of that dead girl, with blood dripping down his torn lips.

I was shocked to the core at that point. And all I was thinking in my mind was, "What the hell is going on?!!"