Time passed, as I still stood stunned by the appearance and behaviour of that man. John called out to me and told me to report this incident to the head authorities of the University. Without hesitation, I nodded and left the dorm room so fast, it felt as though my adrenaline spikes have kicked in due to an energy drink or something...

A few minutes later, I came back to the dorm room with a bunch of professors and other staff members, only to find out that the psychotic cannibal guy was on top of John and was desperately trynna bite his flesh. We rushed over to them and managed to restrain the man while I helped John to get up, Meanwhile helpless Lisa stood in the corner, crying non-stop, so I tried to console her too afterwards.

One of the professors, who's name was "Drake Lang", started throwing a tantrum after seeing the dead girl lying in the floor. "This isn't real.. this isn't real...", he muttered as I tried my best to calm him down and told him that panicking won't help anyone in a situation like this.

Another staff member immediately called 9-1-1 while the professors started questioning the psychotic man but it was all in vain, because that man never talked.. he only kept growling and snarling and was desperately trying to get ahold of someone to bite and eat just like how he did to the lifeless girl on the floor. I kept staring at him in shock and awe.. I thought to myself, "Maybe he's a mental patient? but even so, why the hell would he eat someone? or why wouldn't he talk? And how did he even get here in the first place?"

Questions started flowing through my mind like before but I tried to stay calm eitherway.

About 20 minutes later, we could hear the sounds of sirens in a distant and I let out a sigh of relief. "They're here at last", I said, as John and Lisa showed a sense of relief too.

Cops and a bunch of Paramedics arrived at the dorm room soon after, and the Paramedics carried the corpse of that girl, put her onto a stretcher and covered her head to toe with a white cloth. Two Policemen restrained that psychotic man with handcuffs and took him outside while another policeman wanted to escort us to the district's precinct for further questioning about this whole incident, so we agreed and with that, the cops left and Lisa tagged along with them and waited for me and John.

At that moment, Professor Drake whispered to me, "Hey Kyle, look at John... he's been clutching his arm ever since we came back to the dorm room." And he was right! John was clutching his arm and it was bleeding too! I could see the painful expression on his face..

I walked over to him and I asked him to show his wound. He refused for a moment, but then he showed me...

A bite wound from that man!