Everybody left the dorm room. Well, everyone, except me and John.

"So he managed to bite you eh? Well, we gotta wash and cover up that wound first or it might cause a serious infection", I said as I grabbed a shirt from the room's wardrobe while John went ahead to wash his wound.

"People these days", I sighed, as I kept wondering about that psychotic man's actions.

John came back soon after and so I tied the shirt tightly around his forearm (that was the place where the bite wound is).

"Listen John, what has happened, has happened and you got yourself hurt by it. The best thing we can do now, is to go through the questionings of those cops and get you to a hospital fast.. because that man.. he didn't seem like an ordinary guy to me."

"That son of a bitch! He killed Mary!" John shouted as I saw tears swell up in his eyes. I guess John and that girl who got murdered are good friends.. or at least they were.. One thing was for sure, and that is, we can't bring someone back from the dead so I did my best to make John stay calm, and in doing so, we made our way outside where Lisa and the other police officer were waiting for us.

I asked the police officer where that man was, and he told me that the other cops already dragged his ass back to the precinct some time ago for severe interrogation.

All the other students and teachers were surrounding us as me, John and Lisa got on to the back seat of the Police Car and waited for the police officer to escort us to the district's precinct. Few minutes later he came, got inside the car and started driving.

It was a long ride. The total silence between the four of us inside the car left me nervous enough to just stare outside the window and observe the beauty of the streets even though I felt terrible deep within me. Same goes for John and Lisa, none of them uttered a word.

"Gosh, it must've been tough for you kids", the police officer said, breaking the queer silence at last. "My name is Scott. Nice to meet you kids." None of us spoke back. After a while, Scott asked us what exactly happened inside that dorm room. I couldn't just stay silent about that, so I explained everything to him. About the girl's screams, and how the man was feasting on her like a cannibal. I didn't mention John's bite wound since we were gonna get that treated soon anyways, so I didn't bother bringing up that topic.

"I see...", Scott said while sighing. "It's kinda unbelievable at first you know. But with all the witnesses, it's reasonable to believe such a statement." Matter of fact, I didn't actually care whether he believed us or not. Because i saw what I saw and I wasn't the only one who saw the incident. And I was filled with anger everytime I thought about it.

"Make that man suffer.", Lisa said outta nowhere. Me, John and Scott looked at her in shock for a second but soon after realized why she said such a thing because of what that man did. I mean hey, I completely agree with Lisa on that point, and I'm sure that John and Scott feels the same way too.

It was back to the atmosphere being silent and about 10 minutes later, we arrived at the Precinct. Me, John and Lisa got out of the car while Scott went ahead to park his car.

John was still holding his forearm as he squinted in pain and so I reassured him that everything's gonna be fine and that all he needed was a bit of patience until the questionings are over.

Lisa, on the other hand, looked as though if she was about to kill someone. I could see the rage and torment on her face so I just couldn't gather my thoughts to talk to her in the meantime.

And with that, we went inside to begin questioning procedure with the Captain of the precinct...