As we entered the precinct, we observed the interior for a bit. To my surprise, it looked rather.. Ghostly. Or maybe *Half Abandoned* if I put it into correct words, because I couldn't see no more than five police officers in the entire ground floor of the precinct and some of the walls were covered in mold. "Aren't there any cleaners here or something??", I thought to myself.

Well, maybe there were more people upstairs, but I didn't bother myself to check or anything. I just wanted to get this over with quickly and take John to the hospital.

A few moments later, Scott called us from behind. "You kids ready to meet the captain?", he said cheerfully, as me, John and Lisa nodded nervously. "The captain's office is just a bit ahead along with a sharp left turn", he claimed as we followed Scott.

We arrived outside of the captain's office and Scott knocked at the door. "Come in!", the captain shouted from inside, after a short pause. Scott opened the door for us and we all went inside.

To be honest, I was actually surprised to see the captain's office so clean and the air was so fresh inside, (because of the A/C fixed high up in the wall), unlike how it was outside the captain's office. Now that I think about it, it's not that surprising since he is the captain of this precinct after all, so of course his office would be a bit luxurious.

"So you kids came at last eh? I've been expecting you.. have a seat", the captain said as his eyes moved to towards John, who was still clutching his arm in pain.

There were only two chairs for us to sit down on, so I offered both the seats to John and Lisa while me and Scott stood beside them.

"I'm Captain Carter Furz. Nice to meet you kids"

His voice was so rough, it sounded as if his throat was constantly itching, like it had sort of a metallic vocal to it. It scared me a bit too. We introduced ourselves afterwards and Captain Carter looked at John once again and sighed in disappointment.

"So tell me all the details of the recent incident. And you can file a report to the Detective's agency after this meeting."

We nodded, and then I told him the entire story of what happened since John and Lisa didn't speak up much while Scott stood beside us in silence.

Captain Carter was silent for a moment there too but then he talked but he stuttered a little. "L-let me ask you kids a quick question. Have you ever heard of a *Zombie*?"

"Zombie?? What's that?", I asked in confusion.

Apparently a Zombie is a vile creature who feasts on flesh.. Carnivorous monsters. They derive from humans themselves, from their corpses to be exact, so in short, walking corpses... at least that's what Captain Carter told me. It all sounded really stupid and fictional to me.

"So? What does that have to do with the case we're involved right now?", I asked.

"It's alright, forget it. I'm just imagining things that are not even real." Captain Carter replied with a chuckle.

To be honest, I didn't find anything funny in that because all I was concerned about at that moment, was John and his bite wound so I asked Captain Carter if the meeting was over, and if so, whether we could leave.

He gave us permission to leave, so John and Lisa got up from their seats while I went over to the doorway. Scott stayed behind to talk with the Captain further.

I stopped for a moment, turned back, and asked Captain Carter what he was planning to do with that psychotic man. He just said with a serious tone, "We're gonna have a severe interrogation with him and the rest is none of your concern. Go home safe you three and close the door on your way out"

Now that... made me a little uncomfortable.. But maybe he was right. It was none of our business eitherway. A girl got murdered, we're witnesses of that scene, the cops restrained him. All of that was over and it's time we forget about it and get John's wound treated quickly.

Lisa closed the door behind us after we went outside the Captain's office while John was still grunting in pain.

"John, Lisa... take a Taxi and make your way to the nearest hospital fast. I have to file this report to the Detectives as instructed by the Captain, and once I'm done, I'll meet you guys there. Also, text me the location once you get there Lisa"

"Alright but I don't have any change with me", Lisa replied. "Me neither", said John. I sighed as I reached out to my pocket, grabbed my wallet and gave them spare change, and they left soon after.

I was soon on my way to the Detective's Agency as I kept thinking over and over about why Captain Carter would say such imaginary stuff in a serious situation like this. Especially when he said it was none of our concern. I mean, he sounded so serious about it.

Now that I think about it, we deserve to know..