It took me a considerable amount of time to file the report and fill out some of my personal details on a few forms to the Detective's Agency due to the long queue, but I was able get off of that within roughly 45 minutes.

After I exit the Precinct, I took a stroll down the side of the street and stopped at a nearby alleyway, as I waited for Lisa to text me her location.

About 10 minutes passed, and I started to get a little worried, so I texted Lisa to see if she was doing alright.

Well, she didn't reply back though, so I kept on waiting while my mind was going haywire with unanswerable questions once again.

Just then, I heard some sort of rustling sounds coming deep within the alleyway. I patiently listened to the sound over and over again, and it was vague too. The alleyway was surprisingly dark even though it was a cloudy afternoon as of now. Well, more like really really dim, though I could barely see the path ahead.

I wanted to explore the Alley a bit and hopefully get close to the source of the sound if I could, since I had nothing better to do anyways..

And with that, I turned on my phone's flashlight and headed towards the dark alley slowly and cautiously. The rustling sound became louder and louder with every step I took towards the alley, which in turn, made my heart beat faster with every step too.

"What am I even doing? I should just probably go back without scaring myself to death here", I thought, but my curiosity got the better of me because I wanted to know what was making that noise.

Like I said before, the sound only got louder and louder until I felt for certain, that whatever that noise was.. it was like right there in front of me. I just couldn't see anything much clearly even though I had my phone's flashlight on...

"What a crappy phone. To hell with it's accessories! I need to buy a new one soon", I thought to myself until suddenly...

The rustling sound stopped.

I held my breath and tried not to make a sound myself, as cold sweat started dripping down my spine like honey from a honey comb.

I stayed there in Absolute silence until a few moments later...

*Beep Beep* *Beep Beep*

My phone's notification sound went off!

At that exact same moment, I heard the sounds of growls and snarls coming from a distance no more than a few meters in front of me!

Now that.. put me off my sanity and made me panic to the core as I turned around without hesitation and started running so fast towards the streets with my eyes widened in fear.

Breathing heavily while on the run, I checked my phone and as soon as I was close enough to the streets once again, I was able to see that message I received... was from Lisa!

A few seconds later and I collapsed to the ground, like a pinecone rolling down a steep hill. I started to frantically catch my breath since I was finally out of that alley while the other pedestrians around me were just staring at me in shock.

I looked back at the alleyway in fear and all I could see was complete dim darkness and no sign of anyone over there either.

Once I calmed down and was able to breathe properly again, I proceeded to check my phone again as I read the message from Lisa...