The terror of that text message was so overwhelming, I got blinded by my own fear for a second there.

"Damnit! I knew I shouldn't have taken so long with John's bite wound.. and now he's in trouble. This is all my fault!"

I thought to myself as I tried to get up and start moving with my shaky legs that were shaking non-stop like a washing machine.

It took me like a minute itself to recover, fortunately, and so I stopped a Taxi and headed for the hospital location that Lisa texted me earlier along with that dreadful message.

30 minutes have already gone and we're still stuck in traffic.

I kept yelling at the cab driver to go faster, even though I knew it wasn't his fault, but I just couldn't stop myself since I was worried like hell.

Roughly 15 minutes later and we arrived at the hospital. I gave the cab driver his fare of the drive and made my way into the hospital.

The hospital was surprisingly small compared all the other hospitals I've seen in my life so far, but I couldn't care less about sizes at the moment.

I went up ahead to the reception and asked the receptionist about the patient named "John Collins" and what his current condition was.

The receptionist, (who was a woman), had a grim look on her face the moment I brought up John's name. It looked as though if she'd seen a ghost or something.

She asked me who I was and I told her that I'm a friend of John and the girl who was with him, named Lisa.

"Very well, please follow me", was what she said afterwards, as I followed her down the corridor and into a small intersection where an isolated room was.

She opened the door and...

What I saw..

Shocked me...

As it was John strapped up in his bed, with fastened cables which looked similar to seatbelts, so he couldn't move and..

The look on his face... his eyes..

Dead eyes all white and pale with purple veins popping out of his forehead and cheeks. I could see the pathway of dried tears in his cheeks too and I instantly knew that he was suffering.

I just stood there.. unable to move a muscle as I tried talking to him with tears in my eyes while all he did was growl and snarl.. just like that psychotic man.. and also the same sound that I heard from that alleyway I was in.

The flashbacks of that dreadful time when I was in the dorm room, hit me like an arrow right through my brain, as I fell down on my knees... Begging for god to have mercy on the innocent souls of this world..

I couldn't gather myself to look at John, one thing was for sure, and that was John.. is not gonna be the same again.

I looked around to find Lisa.. Holding herself.. crying. Wishing like hell that she could turn back time or something because I saw the horrified look on her innocent face.

It's not like there was anything I could do about it either, except to plead for the doctors to cure John. And all they replied, was that they've never seen any sort of symptoms like this before.

At that exact same moment, the words of Captain Carter echoed throughout my mind;

"Have you ever heard of a zombie?"