My heart kept racing.. too fast..

Too fast for me to even think or even breathe properly.

"Was Captain Carter right about the zombies?Are they actually real? If so, is this something that could spread like a virus??" "But how can I actually be sure about all of this??

Questions that I can't seem to find the answers to, kept spiking my mind like cactus thorns yet again..

I somehow got the heart to look at John though. He looked as though he was desperately trynna grab someone to feast on.. just like that psychotic man so it was a relief that he was strapped up on the bed.

After a while of sobbing on the floor, I gathered my strength to stand up and walk towards Lisa, who was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

"L-Lisa.. I'm sorry.. This, is all my fault! If I just hadn't taken too much time-"

My voice was cut off at that moment, as Lisa slapped me hard..

"Don't say another word!", Lisa snapped at me, as she walked towards John with teary eyes.

Eitherway, I don't blame her for slapping me. I deserved it, though that did hurt quite a lot.

"John, please talk to me... I don't wanna lose you.", she kept begging him..

But it was just pointless since all John did was growl and snarl while struggling to get out from the fastened straps he was tied up in. He never said a word.. or at least he couldn't, is what I assumed.

I just looked at the both of them in silence while holding my cheek, since there was nothing for me to say and deep down, I knew that this was my fault and that I didn't react fast enough to John's bite wound.

Lisa finally gave up and glared at me for a bit , which in turn, gave me goosebumps for some reason.

She then left the room angrily, and with a depressed look on her face.

Yes, those mixed emotions that one cannot comprehend through any means except for tragic experiences... I felt that... all of that. But I just couldn't do anything at that point.

I looked towards John again.

My subconscious kept telling me that John was already long gone..

As in he's dead, but that was just stupid.

Because, how can someone move, or at least growl and snarl if they're dead??

With that said, another flashback pierced my mind like a bullet, about what Captain Carter said... The definition of a zombie;

"A zombie is a vile creature who feasts on flesh.. Carnivorous monsters. They derive from humans themselves, from their corpses to be exact, so in short, walking corpses"

Those were the words of Captain Carter himself, and little by little, i started to believe him as I kept staring at John in horror..

"So that means... John is.. d-dead...",

I muttered as I felt like having a mental breakdown myself after realizing the truth and about the terrifying massacres that's gonna happen in the future.

The bitter truth was...

It did...