Silence began to get ahold of the atmosphere. I was just standing there staring at the floor..

A minute later, one of the nurses ushered me outside.

"What are you guys planning to do with John now? Considering the state he's in..", I said.

"We are still making utmost measures on the decisions that are gonna be made by the doctors and surgeons. Not to mention the cops as well, if they wanna keep investigating this issue that is..", replied the Nurse.

I nodded. There was nothing that was left for me to say anyways on the matter, so I decided to just go home instead while I still I have my sanity in check from what happened to John.

I grabbed my phone to reach out to Lisa but it was useless, since she didn't answer her phone. I sighed, as I stopped a Taxi and headed for home, all the while feeling pity for Lisa as well as myself too.

The taxi ride felt so long.. However around 30 minutes later, I finally got home. I just went straight to my room and collapsed upon my bed, clutching my head as all the previous incidents kept railing my mind with fear and sorrow. I was so exhausted and my body was heating up like an oven.

"Fever sucks!", I exclaimed in annoyance as I groaned in pain.

Not long after that torture, I managed to fall asleep.

A couple of hours passed and my eyes sort of opened automatically though I didn't intend to. My eyes felt so heavy with a burning sensation. I just wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't, so I got out of bed and stretched.

Not gonna lie, I did feel a lot energetic than I was before.

"Sleep did me real good", I chuckled as I was still busy rubbing my eyes.

I stepped outside the house and checked the time from my wrist watch.

"4:26pm", it showed.

I looked around, yawning, and I noticed that something felt strange. The neighborhood was awfully silent and there wasn't a single soul on sight. I mean, the streets were so busy a couple of hours ago when I got home but now it's just like an abandoned town!

With puzzled thoughts, I paced around the streets.

What was even weird, was that there wasn't even a single vehicle, not even the ones that are parked. Just a wide empty space of a land with a lot of houses everywhere.

Still confused by this odd environment and sights, I got lost in thought and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings.

I wasn't surprised at all if my brain was playing tricks on me or something, because a split second later, I heard some sort of tapping noise in the distant.

It was only one tapping sound, at least that's what I was able to pick out from the source of the sound as it echoed.. until little by little, the tapping sound seemed to get more and more louder for each passing second.

I stopped moving, held my breath. My heart was thumping on my chest like a hammer on an anvil, as I tried to calm myself down. Everything's just happening so fast and my mental and physical state couldn't keep up.

The tapping sound got more and more louder, it now felt like there were multiple tapping noises! At first, I couldn't pinpoint the location of the source of the sound, but now I was slowly able to.. and I noticed that the sound was coming from behind me..

I slowly looked back, and what I saw.. instantly made my face transition to that of a person willing to beg their life above anything else..

It was a bunch of people walking towards me.. Or in this case, a Horde of bloodthirsty zombies! Snarling and growling, with their flesh torn apart from every part of their body. Blood was oozing and dripping down them like a pure red colouring on a liquid.

I stood there, in horror and fear.. My blood was running cold and my mind was going crazy.

"I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!", I told myself over and over as I couldn't stop panicking. My vision was beginning to become blurry and I started feeling dizzy. My body started heating up again and my adrenaline spikes failed on me.

I kept clutching my head out of intense pain as I struggled to stand straight, and all of that while those zombies kept getting nearer and nearer to me!

At the end, I couldn't gather my strength to resist the pain, and so I ended up on my knees, and finally collapsing onto the ground. The aggressive and blood curdling noises from those Zombies began to get closer and closer, as my eyes started closing...

"This is it for me.."