I knocked on the door of the Captain's office.

"Come in!", Captain Carter shouted from the inside.

As soon as I opened the door, I felt chilly because of the cold temperature from the A/C.

"Hello Mr. Crane, pleased to meet you once again on such short notice, please have seat", Carter welcomed me as I managed to carve my horrid face into a smile and handshake with him.

"So Mr. Crane, what did you want to talk to me about so urgently?", He remarked with a smile on his face. I couldn't care less if he was in a happy mood or not so I got straight to the point.

"Just Kyle is enough, thanks. And I think you know what I'm here to ask you for", I replied while I looked at him dead in the eyes. He just nodded with a chuckle.

"Yes, I believe I might know what you're here for.. about the zombies. You still believe it's just some fictional crap?", he said as he leaned forward a bit.

Of course I said no, considering all that I've witnessed, I was bound to believe all the things that Carter was about to tell me on the zombies.

In the next second, Carter's voice changed to that of a scary tone. Almost like a monster who was able to speak, if I be more precise..

"I normally don't talk to random people about sensitive and high-rated classified information like this, but since you've already seen what happened, let me get one thing straight. What happens here, stays here.. got it?", he said with a serious look on his face.

It made me quite uncomfortable and I quickly said yes without hesitation.

"Good, now take these..", he stated as he handed me a few files which had seemed to be scattered all over his desk drawer at first with the other files. Strangely enough, the specific files that he handed over to me were covered with layers and layers of a dark carbon fibre material.. and believe me, it was really opaque. I guess it was just used to hide any sensitive information that was inside those files for some reason.

"What are these?", I asked in puzzled thoughts, and he told me that these files were related to zombies, and about other data they've collected so far.

"Everything you need to know, are in these files. Read first, ask questions later", he implied as he proceeded to deal with his own matters on his computer.

All the while I was concerned, I started browsing through the files, slowly, page by page, reading every square inch of each page, analyzing it all the best I could. The more I began to read it, the more it made sense. And the more horrifying it got as well because it was the gospel truth...

I finished reading the first file. Heck, I was shivering by the time I was finished. No, not because of the cold temperature of the A/C, if that's what you're wondering.. but by the disturbing and gruesome content which these files contained.

I put down the file and proceeded to ask some questions from Captain Carter.

"So.. there happened to be more similar cases like this in the past?", I asked as I tried to suppress my timid emotions.

He looked at me and smiled once again. I could tell it was a fake smile just from the tone of his voice. Wow, what a perfect time to be sarcastic.

"Well of course, there were many, as you saw from the file. People would say it was just an ordinary *crime scene* of a murder, but that's hardly the truth about all those incidents.", He sighed as he continued to speak.

"Each time, cannibalism was involved. We kept finding a person eating and scraping the bits and pieces of flesh from another person. And it was the same thing all over again. We try to restrain them and they would try to jump and bite at us, all the while with their weird and traumatizing growls and snarls!"

As I listened to him patiently while staying calm, I flipped through the pages again to find the date of the first case on the zombies.

"February 2nd 2017", was what it said.

"My next question..", I followed, "is why are all these information classified? If this has the potential to be a big threat to society, then why hide all of this from the general public? Or to be more specific, THE WORLD!?".

At that moment I realized that I raised my voice considerably and so I apologized for it.

He didn't seem to care in the least. He was just silent for a little while, with a depressed look on his face.

Soon after he got his wits back, he looked at me and gave me a straight answer.

"Here's the thing. We do not want to cause any unnecessary panic in the world as of now. We're trying our best to keep all these cases under control because we do not know for sure what we're dealing with."

"Recent tests from Labs have proven that this behaviour and the physical changes of these people, have all been caused from genetic mutations. Even though we can't explain it all in detail as of now, we believe that this might be a virus of some sort."

"I know it's hard to believe because even fictional stories have similar conditions, but all the evidence that we've gathered so far, points to these specific circumstances", Captain Carter stated, as he chugged down a glass of water while wiping away the sweat from his forehead.

Thinking about what he just said actually does make sense.

"But it doesn't change the fact that your *hypothesis* leads to a person literally waking up from the dead! Like what the hell? That's just crazy!", I exclaimed in anger as I lost control of my emotions for a second once again..

I know I'm kind of contradicting myself at this point, because earlier I was going crazy over the fact that John woke up from the dead and all that crap. It's like half of my mind believes it while the other half doesn't want to.

Still though.. reanimation or resurrection doesn't exist in the real world, so I obviously had to give him a piece of my mind on that.

Though I do believe the fact that a virus is involved in all of this.

It's a good possibility.

And you obviously know why...