Chapter 59: A Thrilling Revelation

Eleonore’s POV

It was like a scene from a horror movie—and we knew it too.

We followed my aunty and the man she was with as they got into their car and drove off. They took the main exit out and, for a time, stayed on the long highway that branched off into smaller roads leading to different parts of the town. Until they took a road neither Amanda, Sabrina, nor I had been down before. Then, a strange feeling began to creep up at the back of my neck.

“Where is she going?” Amanda mumbled as we followed them, keeping a close enough distance behind them that we could still see them. Sabrina often opted to let a car or two drive in front of us to hide us, but her eyes were always on the white Toyota my aunty was driving.

“No idea… these roads lead to the farmlands, don’t they?” I nodded my head. This part of town was designated for crops, grapes, and anything else farm owners might want to grow that would help the town, but…