Chapter 90: Prisoner Escape

Eleonore’s POV

I got up from beside Hayden as soon as his brother walked in. ‘Where is he?’ I was furious. ‘What did you do with him?’

“The council already decided his fate. He’s to be released into the wilds at dusk.” I heard a sharp inhale from behind me, and I looked at Hayden’s face to see a grim look had overtaken it.

‘The wilds? What does that mean?’ The bangles jingled loudly on my wrists as I signed furiously. ‘Someone tell me!’

“It’s what we do to wolves who betray our customs!” Rhett yelled, his face red with anger. “It’s what we will do to Jenna’s family once they have been trialled for their neglect as well! Those slimy b*stards have been getting away with too much for too long!”

“Rhett—” Hayden called out to his brother, even he noticed how angry Rhett had become, and he moved to stand between us. The movement didn’t go unnoticed by the twin standing in front of me, and it only further angered him.

‘Robert isn’t some dog you can just—just--!’