Chapter 101: Is This the End?

Eleonore’s POV

When I woke up, sometime shortly after I had fallen unconscious, I realized that I had managed to transport all four of us from the Void to Ronin’s office where we had gone into the Void from.

I was the first one to wake up, my bleary eyes tired and heavy as I could barely make out the image of Ronin as he rushed around his office.

When I finally managed to open my eyes properly, I noticed a brilliant light of green rope shoot from Ronin’s hands towards Bastian’s body, who was lying on the ground. Mystical bindings. Ronin used the magical rope to wrap around his son and restrain him.

I heard Bastian grunt as he felt the strings turn around his torso and restrain not only his arms but his magic, too. And then he screamed, loud and piercing as though the strings hurt him.