Chapter 100: I’m Taking You Home

Eleonore’s POV

The twins and I had been walking for what felt like days. Though in reality I knew it couldn't have been more than a few hours at most. Still, neither of them wanted to look at me, neither of them spoke more than a few words to me since we had left the place where the village had once been.

The ground we walked on now was harder to tread through. Overgrown roots that had been singed by fire or overtaken by root rot littered the once clear pathways. The haze that had taken over the air made it hard to navigate through as well. Sometimes it felt like we looped around the same place over and over.

I had never wanted my voice back as badly as I did now, I wanted to call out to them and yell at them—to ask them why they were treating me so differently than before. But I couldn’t, neither of them would even look at me.