Chapter 154: Garden Banter

Eleonore’s POV

“It seems we have company,” Ruan’s words caused me to look up from the flower I had been spinning between my fingers. When I looked at him he was looking at something else, something behind me, and when I turned my head I saw the approaching figures of the twins that walked in through the archway of the area we were sitting in.

Their eyes were fixed on Ruan, and then flittered to mine for a moment as I caught their gaze, before going back to him. From behind the two of us sitting on the grass I could hear shuffling of feet that followed a gasp, and when I turned to the direction of the sound I found Juniper had noticed the alphas approaching as well, and she bounded from Amanda to Ruan.

Her wide eyes were staring at the twins, never taking them off of the twins as she gripped onto the shirt of her brother. Was she scared? There was no doubt that the twins looked intimidating, but there was something in her eyes that told me it was more than just stranger danger.