Chapter 162: The Incident With Magic

Eleonore’s POV

‘How is she?’ I asked Claudius as soon as I entered the medical bay.

“She’s better, she’ll have some scarring on her arms but for now the bleeding has stopped and she’s resting.”

I let out a long sigh of relief. The wounds Amanda had had on her arms nearly frightened me to death, the bleeding was so much and so incessant that I wasn’t sure we had managed to get her enough help fast enough—luckily that wasn’t the case.

“Have they found anything out about what may have attacked her?” I shook my head at Claudius’ question. The minute Amanda had shown up to my door covered in her own blood, Rhett and Hayden had shot out of the bedroom and down the passageway, into the kitchen and out of the backdoor into the forest where the blood trail had led them. But when the two of them came back there was no news or sight of what might’ve attacked Amanda.