Chapter 177: The Demon Hunter

Rhett’s POV

The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was that something was wrong.

I didn’t realize what it was immediately, that realization only came the minute I got out of bed, but I could feel that something was wrong in the pit of my stomach when I opened my eyes. Not a moment later, when I got out of bed and realized Eleonore’s absence–and after checking the bathroom and library where she was most likely to be–I realized what it was that had my gut in a rears.

I tried calling out to her through the mind link once I Reached the kitchens and she was nowhere to be seen, but I felt a gut-wrenching sensation take over my entire body when I was hit with a brick wall. She had put up a wall in her mind, not allowing me or–I suspected–Hayden to reach her.

I walked from the kitchen back up the stairs and through the hallways to the main bedroom where Hayden was still asleep and called out to him, effectively waking him up from the deep sleep he had been settled in.