Chapter 206: Be Strong, Rhett

Rhett POV

“That’s bullshit,” Hayden snarled at me, rising to his feet as he leaned across the table to look at me. “Look at me and tell me you’re not speaking bullshit right now. Are you even thinking straight?”

“Yes!” I roared back. “I’m thinking about my child! I’m thinking about my mate! Our child, our mate! Living and being brought into a world with demons roaming the consciousness of d*mn near everyone our mate has ever held dear! Even herself, even her parents! Rhett, I’m not saying this because I’m turning into dad, I’m saying this because acting like Dad—preparing for a war, preparing our baby for a life that it might have to fight tooth and nail to live in—that’s how we survived.”

I sat back in my chair again, my tone softening now. “That’s how dad kept us alive.”