Chapter 205: We Aren’t Kids Anymore

Rhett’s POV

“You wanted to see me?” My head lifted up as soon as I heard the familiar sound of my father’s oldest advisor. My brother was at my side, standing beside me as we both looked from the same piece of paper in front of me to the door where Claudius walked through.

His old eyes darted between the two of us, wide and wrinkled, yet aged with knowledge and wisdom we couldn’t yet begin to fathom. It felt like we were gaining on him in years, though, lately. With everything that’s been happening with Eleonore from the demon problem to the baby news… Everything seemed to be moving so quickly.

Just a year ago Hayden and I were questioning whether or not we would have ever found our mate. A month ago we weren’t going to be soon-to-be fathers. Yet here we are, building a family of our own in a way none of us could have predicted. The only thing left was to protect it. And keep it protected.