Chapter 216: The Vampire Councils

Eleonore’s POV

It seemed like James always had a penchant for showing up exactly when he was needed.

I didn’t know who or what exactly had brought him here, what the specifics of coming back was after he and my aunty had left so abruptly, but I didn’t care in those few moments it had taken him to show up and take that vampire down. I didn’t care about the fact that the two of them had all but abandoned me, all I knew was that he was back and he had saved Viktor.

I didn’t realize I was running until the sound of my heavy footsteps was hitting the ground, and by then I was already throwing myself over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. I had known James for about a second of my lifetime, and it had taken even less time than that to realize that I would trust him with my life.

I let out a sigh as his arms wrapped around me, hugging me back in greeting. “It’s good to see you again too, little cuz.”