Chapter 217: The Uncle

Eleonore’s POV

“Who’s that?”

I turned my head at James’ question, following his line of sight to see something I didn’t expect. A large group of men walked through the main door of the courtyard, the one that came directly from the living room that led to the front door of the pack house.

Their presence felt… strange, to me. Their eyes roaming around the place as they finally settled on something to the left of us.

From the door opposite to their position, Rhett and Hayden walked through.

James and I were nestled into one of the smaller alcoves, a bench just fit right in the small gap between two walls and while we could see the two groups perfectly, during the night it would be hard for them to see us from their positioning.

“There they are,” the shorter man in the front called out to his men, his long finger pointed out towards Rhett and Hayden as the group of men walked towards the twins.