Chapter 226: The Attack

Eleonore’s POV

I found the twins in the field at the back of the house. Somehow I managed to track them there, where the fighting was the thickest—and there was a lot of fighting.

The first initial attack in the kitchen didn’t seem to be the first, initial attack at all. Mage fire littered the surrounding areas that weren’t already occupied with wolves and mages fighting each other. When Michael and I had come to the scene there were already wolves having shifted into their animal form, biting and snarling and seething at everything that attacked them.

Mage fire didn’t emit a smoke on its own like regular fire did, it just burned hot and ready. It was twice as high and ten times as deadly, the only thing I was sure that had saved Michael was the fact that my own magic had been wrapped around us like a forcefield.

But now I didn’t know how many people I could help with that magic, I didn’t even really know how to control it even if I wanted to