Episode 2

Braxton quickly pull down his pants and the wore his shirt before running out of the hotel room, while the elevator was moving down he was cursing out loudly.

"F**k my libido, this shouldn't have turn oyt like this." He cursed out.

You rushed inside the parking lot and pulled his car door open he sat down and quickly ignite the engine then drove out of the hotel he pick up his phone and dialled Amanda's number when she picked up there was a lot of noise where she was so Braxton couldn't hear what she was saying.

Hey can you hear me? He questioned for the tenth time.

Oh my goodness Braxton, where are you. You'll definitely get me fired after tonightAmanda said in a very frustrated tone.

Tell my stylist that im on my way he said and hanged up. He increased the speak of his car, driving like a mad man on the road, of course he caused many hold ups for other cars with this.

10 minutes later he parked his car at the back then rushed so what's the back door.

"Oh gosh thank goodness you're here come on quick let's do this." Mr Hardin, Braxton label boss said.

Braxton ignore his words and walk inside the changing room where his stylist and makeup artist were waiting for him, he removed his shirt and his stylist wore him another one, a white shirt and he wore a white pants as well.

He sat down on a chair while his stylist wore him his shoe, his makeup artist was already adding some touch to his face. Ten minutes later he was ready to go on stage.

Amanda wipes his forehead with her handkerchief and smiled at him.

"Good luck Braxton, you got this." She told him. He walk inside the stage with his dancers, when he got to the stage, the light turned blue, the noise his fans were making was enough to deafen someone.

"Braxton! Braxton! Braxton!!!" The fans kept shouting, the love was excess, the most surprising thing was that normally anyone who knows about Braxton's Playboy attitude might have thought that his fans will be filled with young girls.

But no, surprisingly there were grown up women and men chanting his name, boasting his ego.

"Ladies and gentlemen,I'm sorry for the delay. Just know that I love you all." He said with a panty dropping smile.

"We love you Braxton." The energy was mad.

And so the concert starts.

Touching your body I felt like like I'm going in crazy, you gat me making mistakes you gat me going in......sane

Just the line and everything turned up.




Alicia was in the front roll, her eyes fixed on the moves that Braxton was doing.

She was gushing.

Whenever he sang a lyric that is romantic her body turns hot.

There was one time their eyes met but as quickly as their eyes met, he looks away. Alicia frowned while holding his poster up.

"You must know who I am today." She said, determination filled up her voice.

After a long three hours, after the performance of one song after the other with other artists he featured in his songs, the concert came to an end.

Almost everyone else left the arena but Alicia was yet to leave, she grabbed her purse and followed the back door where Braxton's crew were.

When she saw that the front door was filled with bodyguards, she bite hard on her bottom lip, thinking of a way to get into Braxton's changing room.

She nodded when an idea got to her mind, she smiled to herself and walk up to the men.

"This place is only meant for staffs, the concert has ended Miss." A bodyguard said calmly.

"Oh I'm sorry, my car tire got stuck in the sand and refused to move. Can y'all please help me?" She begged.

"I'll go with you." One of the bodyguards stated and Alicia quickly shook her head.

"No no no, one person can't do it, the three of you can go. I'll stay guard here." She told them seductively, the three of them looked at each other. Alicia found out that they might not be convinced with her little words so she had to bring up her status.

"I won't steal your things," she said and brought out her business card. "I'm Alicia Young."

"Miss Young, you should have introduced yourself earlier." They said and rushed out of the place.

"Finally." She mumbled, she does not always bring up who she I to get what she wants, only when it is needed.

She slowly open the changing room and sneaked in, she covered herself with some clothes, she was hearing someone moaning few feet away from her.

She glanced behind her and quickly covered her mouth, her eyes met with Braxton as he thrust into Mandy the popular pop singer who also performed on stage with him.

Braxton kept staring at her while going rough with Mandy, he doesn't know why but seeing Alicia watching him turned him on so much.

Alicia couldn't believe her eyes, but still she couldn't bear to look away from the scene. She was soaking wet that it drip down her bare thigh. The moans coming from Mandy makes things more difficult for her.

"F**k," Braxton groaned as he shoot his cum inside Mandy. Hearing Braxton moan made Alicia moan as well.

That was a different side of Braxton she never knew.

Braxton pulled out of Mandy and walk up to Alicia. He brought up his hand and touched her face then his hand went down to her bare thigh.

He placed his head on her neck and smelled her scent.

"Humm....I want to taste you." He groaned.