Episode 3

"I want to taste you." He whispered to her ear.

He was attracted to her hourGlass figure, her perfect round a*s, her plump lip and tiny waist.

He wanted to have her. He has been with several women, some are beauty Queens, models, actresses and even top singers but this is the first time he wanted to have a woman so badly.

Not like she is the prettiest of the women he has dated in the past, her curvaceous body just distracted his sense of reasoning.

Mandy stood in a corner watching as Braxton tried to have this new girl, she was surprised and offended at the same time.

"How can a man I have sex with just now want another woman?" She asked herself.

She quickly put on her shorts and her bag.

"Braxton, I'm gonna leave now." She said to him but he didn't even spare her a glance. Angrily she walked out of the changing room and slammed the door behind her.

Alicia on the other hand was feeling jelly. Her heart was beating erratically. She was scared and fucking happy at the same time.

"Bra....... Braxton." She managed to whisper, his hand grab hold of her ass firmly and she moaned softly.

He sucked on her neck, moving down to her collarbone.

"Can I" He questioned, it was a question but didn't sound as one to the ear, it was as though he was telling her and not asking her.

Alicia was in a hot seat.

This has always been her dream, she always wishes to have Braxton look at her but it's just funny how he didn't just look at her but also craved to have her.

This is a golden opportunity she couldn't bear to lose, call her a gold digger but Chile anyone in her shoes will definitely do the same thing if they get to see their favorite celebrity.

Before she could understand what was going on, Braxton had already removed the strap hand of her gown. Alicia gasped, her eyes searching for Braxton.

She still couldn't believe that it was about to happen. In a minute her gown was already pulling down her leg leaving her naked.

Yes she wore only a long green gown with a deep cut that almost reached her hip, she was that bad girl.

"You are a very bad girl ain't you? Did you fantasize about this moment? Did you wish that I had you rough and fast because that is what I want to do to you right now." Braxton groaned. Alicia nodded her head, she was tongue tied and couldn't make out a reasonable sentence without trash talking.

Braxton's cock got hard again at the response he got from the girl.

"F%%k it, I'm going to have her." He thought to himself.

He turned her around and bent her a little so she was holding the wardrobe as support. He grabbed his hard cock and trailed her hot channel with his cock, he rubbed her clit with the tip of his cock and moaned.

Without much foreplay he slammed into her. Her moaning took over the whole room, she was surprised at the sudden penetration and also pleased.

It has been a long time since she last had a man pleasure her.

She always does it with her dildos.

"Do you like that? Do you like it when I fuck you rough and fast in a place no one can hear you?" He whispered into her ear while going rougher and rougher.

Braxton talking dirty to her turned her on than she expected, damn she couldn't control her moans again.

He pulled out his cock a little and when it was only the tip inside, he slammed back inside her roughly.

Shit, was she enjoying it? Yes.

He wrapped his hand around her neck, almost choking her. His other hand around her waist, slamming her in.


An ear splitting cry came from Alicia as she found her release, Braxton released there after. He slowly pulled out of her and picked up a towel to wrap around his waist.

He sat down on a nearby chair and picked up a stick of cigarette, he lit it up and took a deep drag.

Alicia stood there watching Braxton acting nonchalantly like she wasn't in the room.

She opened her bag that she dropped on the floor and brought out a handkerchief from inside, she wiped away the cum between her legs and picked up her dress.

After getting dressed she turned to face Braxton.

"Nice to meet you, I'm a big fan." She said calmly, he smiled at her and stood up from his seat.

"It was nice to meet you too baby, you're one sweet girl." He retorted and pecked her cheek.

Alicia blushed to the extent that her cheek was a deep shade of pink.

"I.....I'll be going now." She said and tried to leave, Braxton grabbed her hand and pulled her back to himself.

He buried his face on her neck and smelled her skin once again before releasing her.

"Bye." She whispered and walked out of the door. Braxton smirked and picked up a pair of pants from the wardrobe, he wore a shirt and slipped his leg inside his slippers.

While walking out of the changing room he saw a card on the floor, he bent down to pick it up and look at it.

A business card.

"President Alicia Young." He read out and looked at the closed door.

"President of the Empire corporation? Wow."

Braxton was surprised, he had heard a lot about that woman but little did he know that that was the same woman he just ravished.