Chapter 14- Time Castle IV

The shocked faces of Yuki and Officer Luke was enough sign for Kiyoshi to understand that he did a good job, Although he could look at everyone but the most who confused him was Harumi. Kiyoshi who felt tired because of all the fights falls down to the ground, The weird sounds was again back this time Changing all of their positions to their initial position where the first task took place. Kiyoshi looks up and looks at Yuki before Nozomi praises saying, "That was a job well done, I apologize for making it harder for you but that was necessarily important. I'd like to ask you some questions relating the two tasks you've just done and then you can ask me as many questions you have." She says looking at Kiyoshi, He slowly gets up facing towards Nozomi and thanks her for saying such kind words before Nozomi asked him some questions. "First of all, when the Daffodil attacked you from behind it was that you had no idea about its position but you still were able to avoid being hit. How?" She comes straight to point as Officer Luke suspected her to, "It wasn't a fluke, I could hear the disturbance in the sound waves. My ears just picked up that sound and when the Daffodil was right behind me the waves seemed the most disturbed so I was able to avoid that attack." He replies and Nozomi says, "Very well." before asking him another question "The stick I threw back at you during the second Task it wasn't supposed to hit the Daffodil but it did. How?" She asks the second question, "When I jumped backwards I took a little support from its head further pushing it down, I knew it couldn't hit it as the stick was thrown at a lower level than the Daffodil, So I deliberately pushed it down as I couldn't defeat it because I had no techniques so ending it for good was the last thing I could do. Also this key was a decoy all along you never gave the real key to the Daffodil." This makes Officer Luke say in surprise "What?!" but Nozomi couldn't have asked for a better first year, She responds with a proud smile and says, "You are a quiet keen observer, Yes I never gave the Daffodil the real key which you were supposed to bring back it was in my hand all along." Yuki then interrupts by mentioning, "He is really good with observing his surroundings and also planning his moves." and Nozomi couldn't lie by disagreeing with him.

Nozomi then says, "Kiyoshi, Now it's your turn to ask me questions." and he does without any hesitation. "How is this place so deadly? I also want some explanation on Death Domains. Also I wasn't give much information about the Time Castle and even about you or any of the council members." he finishes him question and Nozomi replies with saying that she'll be answering each and every question one by one. "This place is known as the Time castle because of my cursed ability being about it, I can control all aspects of time and also Death Domains are such dome like structures which are made when a person releases their Dark energy in a certain way and in a certain technique which results in the creation of Death Domains. A Death Domain is a metaphysical territory that exists within its creator's initial position, It is made by casting a barrier to create a separate space. From the outside it may seem normal and nothing is present there but that's just one of the many qualities a Death Domain can do if you have good control over your Dark energy. Death Domains are created in such a technique which ends with someone's Death if used in a fight. Some Domains can also be shaped such as this one. The most powerful Domain are-

1. Infinite Space Dark Death domain.

2. Time distorted Death domain.

3. Infinite Space Dark energy Death domain.

Although the Death Domains on the second and third number are classified as equal and in some aspects the third domain is more destructive than the second. The First Death Domain is known to be the strongest and no one till this date has been successful in creating that domain, It is only possible with one Cursed ability and those who had it previously even tried but one wrong move and it resulted in their death. Yuki actually has the same Cursed ability which is one of him many cursed abilities but his control over his mind still isn't perfect for that move." While saying this Nozomi's smile was as cold and lonely as frost on a windowpane, Yuki's smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room but as soon as she starts talking about Yuki her smile flickered across her face like a smirk and Yuki's smile turned into a sealed envelope. Kiyoshi and Officer Luke in the meantime try to understand as much as they can and after seeing Kiyoshi, Officer Luke wishes to meet him but decides not to say anything. "If you want you can meet him Officer Luke." She says looking at Officer Luke smiling and he looks stunned for a second before remembering that she can read minds, "Sure it'll be my pleasure." he replies before going forward, The clocks ticking again returns and changes Officer Luke's position to that of infront of Kiyoshi. He looks flabbergasted but then goes forward with meeting him and the first thing he does is hug the boy and wish him the best of luck for the future. "Kiyoshi, I must say you have potential." Kiyoshi replies with thanking him, "Oh I didn't introduce myself, I am Officer Luke and I'm in charge of all the cases happening in this city related to The Dark Mafia." Kiyoshi smiles before saying, "It's an honor to meet you Officer and I am happy to talk to someone like you." Officer Luke is then joined by Yuki who also greet Officer Luke, "We didn't had the proper chance to meet earlier." As they talk Kiyoshi notices something quiet odd about Harumi who hasn't moved or even said anything after the explanation.

"Yuki show Kiyoshi his dorm room and he'll be in Sapphires team. I am happy to welcome you Kiyoshi to The Agency Tech, This'll now be your new home and make sure to meet everyone." Nozomi says and then continues, "As for your left Two question Yuki will be answered those to you, I apologize but I have guest thatbI must attend to but for now I am Nozomi Arai, The leader of The Agency Tech." She says before the sound of the clock ticking returns this time Changing Officer Luke's place back to the main platform, This time the clock's sound didn't stop there. The sounds speed increased with time also their positions change with every time the sound is heard. During this time Kiyoshi notices that each time they are on a different platform like the first time they came here but with the speed increased. Soon within a blink of an eye they both are standing infront of the Main gate of the Time Castle. Kiyoshi looks like he's been hit by a rock because of all the sudden movement making Yuki burst out laughing, Yuki then hugging Kiyoshi congratulates him and also sounds innocently sweet with his words. Kiyoshi tries to hold back his excitement but before not too long they are joined by a running Saski who came looking for them, As soon as Saski hears that Kiyoshi got in Tue Agency Tech he starts to jump with excitement and hugs Kiyoshi wholeheartedly making him a bit emotional. "Tell me how's it go and what we're your tasks?" Kiyoshi replies that in his first task he was asked a deep question related to his existence and in the second he was made to bring back Nozomi a key from the Daffodil. He also mentions that she never really gave the key to the doll it was a decoy key which was there to confuse and waste his energy or to just see his performance. Saski looks amazed at this and hugging Kiyoshi playfully compliments him, Yuki looks at them as a proud parent before asking Kiyoshi if he'd like to know the answer for his questions which he asked Nozomi. Kiyoshi quickly turned his attention to Yuki and replies that he wants to know the answer, "Okay then, first question Nozomi is the leader of The Agency Tech, She is the most experienced than anyone and she was the one who came up with the idea about having council members. Even if I tell you more about her it won't be enough you'll have to see for yourself." Saski agreeing with him

simontanously, Yuki then continues with the second question "The council members are the ten most powerful officials which holds some powe individually and in other words the teachers or the important people of The Agency Tech."