Chapter 15- New home

Yuki then continues that, "All of the council members are given different area's as of their own to protect or take care of, The council members are also given different duties around The Agency Tech. They are given different weapons to help them fight and many more which you'll find out with time. When you'll be working with every one of the council members then you'll understand the difference." Kiyoshi again has no problem with letting time teach him. Saski then remembers that he forgot to ask about which group Kiyoshi got chosen into, "He is in the first group, Sapphire." Yuki says to which after hearing leaves him extremely happy. Saski jumps on Kiyoshi with the intention to hug him playfully and congratulates him for the nth time, Between this chaos Yuki interrupts and asks if Kiyoshi will like to see his dorm room, to which he agrees without any hesitation and they all proceed to the Sapphire's dorm rooms.

Soon they all reached the dorm rooms, Yuki then takes them to the first years floor and takes out a key from his pocket, "You had the key all along in ur pocket? You didn't have it when you brought me here" Saski says in a questioning way. Yuki hesitantly chuckles and replies that with Kiyoshi he was sure that he'd pass and with Saski he was a bit skeptical. Kiyoshi tries his best not to burst out laughing but Saski disappointed face makes it very hard for him to not burst out laughing. Yuki opens the door to the room as Kiyoshi around the room he feels really happy with everything and after a brief touring of the rooms they all come out and Kiyoshi asks Saski where his room is before Saski replies with excitement that his room is just next to his. They both seem very happy with how things turned out.


In the meantime it's almost time for Officer Luke to leave but not before clearing his head which is supposedly filled with doubts, Nozomi chuckles before saying, "You can ask me every single doubt you have and I'll be happy to answer." And so he does without even hesitating, "Okay first from the previous day, How did you manipulate so many people and even my own people?" Nozomi takes a second before replying "It's one of my Cursed abilities which allows me or anyone else with this particular ability to manipulate people's mind but I've changed my ability slightly which gives me a great advantage, I've taught myself to manipulate people without look at them." The officer seems to be understanding some parts before asking another set of questions, "How do you basically manipulate people's mind with even looking at them?" She replies "See the main difference is that I won't be having a direct contact with that person. Normally someone with this ability uses direct contact to control them but the thing which I use is sound waves to manipulate them" She finishes "Sound waves?" He asks with a confused look on his face and she is happy to clear his doubts without any hesitation, "Yes, Sound waves. A human ear can only catch a certain a sound in a frequency from about 20Hz to 20KHz. Normal humans most certainly not hear 25000Hz, Most people can hear 8,000Hz but with time it has some effects on them. So when I say I manipulate people's minds it does not mean that I can mess with their hearing, That was the reason your ear started bleeding because of the frequency. When Dark energy is mixed with the sound waves it creates a powerful ocean for the person to do anything sound related even if it means turning the people into something dangerous." Officer Luke tilts his head in confusion and says, "You were saying something related to my ears bleeding? Was it because of you sending higher frequency waves and my ears being sensitive it resulted in that. Right?" Nozomi nodding also adding that if it wasn't for Harumi's Dark energy protecting his ears they would have been severely damaged. It stopped the higher frequencies from getting to your ears but my power was supposedly overwhelming and that resulted in your ears bleeding. Officer Luke chuckles and says that his ear were like this from a past incident which damaged his ears permanently. Nozomi then says to break the tension in the air, "Officer any more questions?" He looks at her and says in a hurry that he does "How did you even know that my ears started to bleed? You weren't even looking." She replies by first explaining a small concept of "Eye over the property" she then starts by "It means that when someone has something under their name it's their responsibility to take care of it and know everything going on within it and that's what Cursed ability users do, it's a simple trick taught to them so that they are aware of everything going on inside their dome as to give them an advantage." Officer Luke's eyes sparks with excitement and he slowly murmurs "Eye over the property."

Office Luke looks at the Time before saying, "I guess I'll have to leave now it's already going to be afternoon and a lovely Sunday shouldn't go to waste by working." Nozomi agrees with him before smiling warmly and saying, "It was great having you here Officer Luke and I'll be looking forward to meeting you." he smiles as says "If I'll have anymore questions I'll be calling you cause thinking about it won't let me sleep." jokingly and with that Nozomi calls for Harumi to take him to the main enternce of The Agency Tech. "See you soon Miss Arai, Good luck till then." he says as he's leaving and she replies "Sure Officer, Good luck to you also." with that Nozomi signals Harumi to call the vehicle so that he could reach home safely. Harumi does so and they both leave to reach to the parking area of The Agency Tech and Nozomi returns to the Time Castle.


Yuki and the boys on the other hand were talking about everything related to The Agency, Yuki then tells them about their schedule that from now on and how they'll be prepared for the fights. "Saski you as usual will be practicing with Nozomi and then with the second years" Saski replies with his regular exited "Yes" meanwhile Kiyoshi looks at Saski with a confused but rather shocked expression on his face trying to understand if he heard the correctly. Yuki then turns to Kiyoshi and starts to tell him about his schedule, "Kiyoshi, I forgot to mention about the classes." he says and Kiyoshi replies with confusion "What classes?" Yuki then continues "It's like school only but there'll be limited subjects." Kiyoshi nodding asks what he'll be doing after that also giving Yuki the chance to explain him properly, "From tomorrow onwards you'll be getting up at five in the morning and reporting to me , I'll then be taking you for a warm up run across the forest and then after your classes, I'll be taking you to someone who will be teaching you how to use a sword after that in the evening I'll be training you." Kiyoshi looks speechless after his whole schedule for all the week days which has just been declaimed before him. Saski laughingly says that even he went through that for two weeks and now he'll be practicing with the second year student. Kiyoshi gives him a cold look shutting down his joking thoughts. Kiyoshi asks Yuki to tell him more about the classes and he agrees, "These classes were started so that the students are also keep up with their studies." Kiyoshi doesn't seem to have any problem with this and agrees with everything. The next thing he asks is if there is any particular uniform for the students, "Oh Yes, each and every student has a uniform to wear but they can change some aspects of it, for example add a new shirt and something like that." He tried his best to explain but couldn't Saski looks at this jumps in and says that he'll show Kiyoshi what changing the uniform a bit means. Yuki looks at Saski and thanks him before saying that he'll leave them alone for the rest of the day as it's Sunday so they both can rest and he'll be here for Kiyoshi the next morning and leaves them before greeting them a good time.

Kiyoshi turns to Saski and asks him if all the teachers also work on Sundays, "Yes they do, its never a break for them well that's what I've seen till now." Saski replies before also asking if he'd go to his dorm room so that they both could rest. "Okay sure, but I also have to set my room and you'll help me." Kiyoshi says "Umm I guess I have fever." Saski tries to get out of the situation of him working but Kiyoshi sees right through his lie and gives him a good blow to his head, "Outch! okay okay I'll help you." Saski says before they both burst out laughing and they return to Saski room.