Chapter 22- Training VI

All the people including Yuki and both the boys celebrate as if it's their last day living their life. Soon the time passed and the celebration came to an end, "You still have your sword practice with Tofu." Yuki says as he takes a bite out of one of the dishes. Kiyoshi replies with a questioning face, "What?" and Saski just sits there munching on the food.

When they all are done with their food, Yuki offers to drop them at the dorm room before they both agree and all of them started walking towards the dorm room when Saski turns to Yuki before asking him a question, "Yuki, I've noticed that the time now given to our classes is very short. So does that mean at some point the classes could be shut down completely?" Yuki sighs and replies "Currently nothing and no one is sure about what's going to happen in the future cause as I already said The Agency Tech is going through a problem right now." This response to the question leaves both the boys to stay silent, Yuki notices this and comforts them by saying, "We do have Nozomi, don't we? It's all going to be alright." It works and they both look relieved but then Saski remembers something which makes him excited, "Yuki! The individual ranking fights are just a week away!" He says with an excited tone, "They are just a week away?" Kiyoshi says "Are they?!" Yuki follows after him.

Soon they all reach the dorm room and Yuki for the last time reminds Kiyoshi of the evening practice and says goodbye to Saski, "Saski? So are you taking part in the individual ranking fights?" Kiyoshi says as soon as he could hold Saski's clothes to stop him "Yes actually. I really didn't have a choice as The Agency Tech's rule book states that if you've been in The Agency for more than two weeks then you have to take part in the individual ranking fights." Kiyoshi hesitantly replies, "Um- so take care and I also haven't met the second-year students yet." Saski smiles warmly and says that today evening he will make sure that he meets the rest of the second-year students. To this Kiyoshi chuckles and says his goodbye as they both were leaving for their respective rooms to get some rest, Kiyoshi straightway goes to sleep as he thinks it's important to get some sleep, and Saski on the other hand takes his bamboo stick and starts to imitate some moves While doing that he ends up crashing into his bookshelf when falls down on his creating a loud "Thud!"

This loud sound instantly wakes Kiyoshi up, who rushes to check up on him, "Saski?" He says standing outside his room and banging on the door asking him to open so that he can make sure he's fine, he calmly waited for Saski to open and after some minutes he does but not even caring to ask how he was Kiyoshi's attention was straightway caught by the fallen bookshelf.

Saski tries not to look suspicious while rubbing the back of his head with his hand, but Kiyoshi catches on to his trick and asks him with a face full of suspicion, "What did you do this time?" Saski nervously chuckles and says "Nothing?" he grows more suspicious and says with a questioning tone "Really?..." he tries not to laugh but Kiyoshi walks past him in his room and straightway notices the bamboo stick he quietly grabs it and turns towards Saski while hiding the stick behind him, "So how did this happen?" he asks him but Saski continues to hide the fact that it was his fault and he finally takes the bamboo stick leaving Saski speechless about what to say next, "I umm, No it was not like that actually." but Kiyoshi wasn't going to listen to him.

He tightens the stick grip and hits Saski on his head "Outch!!" He exclaims with pain. He then leaves Saski there and says, "You gotta clean this up, any way out I'm really sleepy." he says while yawning "What you aren't going to help me?" He says as Kiyoshi leaves "Nope." Kiyoshi says before shutting his door and again going back to sleep. "Well, I guess then I only have to clean my mess up," he says while looking at the condition of his room.


"Brring!" No matter how awful your alarm is when it wakes you up, nothing can compare to how awful it is when it doesn't. He slowly woke up and noticed that the alarm was ringing he immediately switched it off, Still half asleep he goes to the washroom to wash his face and get ready for the evening practice which he had with Tofu. Quickly getting ready and heading out for his practice was what Kiyoshi did, he noticed that Tofu was also on his way towards the practice ground, "Tofu, Haiya." Kiyoshi shouts while running towards him to catch up as he was far ahead of him. "Oh, hey Kiyoshi." He replies with a raised tone as Kiyoshi was still away from him.

After merely just a few seconds he finally reaches Tofu and while gasping for air he asks him, "What are we going to do today?" and he replies with a smile "Fight practice, you still need it." Soon they both reach the practice ground and get ready for practice. "Again we'll be fighting as you've already completed your other practice so let's see if you have made any improvements with me." Tofu says while taking his position and pointing his sword at him, he smiles and takes his sword before saying "You'll see that today." Soon the practice started and Tofu as always wins the first round but Kiyoshi wasn't ready to give up so quickly.

He asked for another fight to which Tofu gladly agrees but this time something with Kiyoshi's techniques was different, "Woah there, You got some new tricks?" he says teasing Kiyoshi but he didn't care as all he thought about was defeating Tofu. The only thing which stood like a barrier between them was Kiyoshi being new to this style of fighting and Tofu being extremely experienced in the same field.

He gives his best in front of Tofu but the gap between the experience stops him from winning as well as Tofu being incredibly incredible at handling swords, at last, he again ended up on the ground but this fight was really different from all the other fights they've had till now. This fight actually left Tofu surprised by his techniques which were somewhat similar to his. "Learning techniques which only students learning that particular tool have, It all makes sense." he thinks to himself as a half-smile appeared on his face. Tofu helps Kiyoshi to get up from the ground but as he did Tofu mentions, "Today's fight was way better and I'm talking about you, your skills, and the techniques you used which were a combination of what I've taught you with Yuki's teachings." Kiyoshi looks really happy at his new achievement and replied, "Yes, I indeed combined the different techniques." before they both could talk about anything else someone from a distance should, "Kiyoshi??? Here right here!!" they both turned to look who it was and as they suspected it was Saski.

He was running towards them while shouting something which they could understand as he was breathing and taking breaks at the same time, suddenly he stumbled upon a rock and hit the ground with a 'thud' which made both, Kiyoshi and Tofu burst out laughing.

Within a minute he reaches both of them and bends as he tries to relax his body by breathing deeply and keeping his body loose. Soon he jumps up and says, "Tofu, He hasn't met the second-year students and I promised them that he would today." in return Tofu softly chuckles and says "If that's the case then let's meet them right now." Saski is in the background jumping with excitement.

Saski guides them to where all the other students were practicing and soon enough they reached the other end of the practice ground."Hey Tofu!" one of the second-year students shouted as they all approached the other students, "Hey!" He shouted back to respond. Soon they all reach the other students and Tofu goes ahead to greet them and hug one of the students. Meanwhile, Kiyoshi stands there looking at all of them before Tofu turns to him and introduces the other three second-year students. "Kiyoshi, This is Daisuke Iwasaki." he says while looking at the student he hugged, "Nice to meet you Kiyoshi!" Daisuke follows up with a warm smile "Nice to meet you too." He replies and then Tofu continues the introduction "This is Ayaka Saito." He says looking towards a girl sitting behind them and she gets up to introduce herself "Good day Kiyoshi, it's great to meet you." Kiyoshi smiles and replies "Same to you and us great to meet you too." with a smile. Then Tofu introduces the last remaining student "This is Sora Sato." He says while looking to another female student standing around them, The student comes up and introduces herself with a warm smile "Hey there, Hope you have a good time with all of us." Kiyoshi also answers with the same energy and positivity "I hope so and it's great to meet you."