Chapter 23- Training VII

The evening sun casted long shadow on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.

The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun and there stood the students talking with each other introducing themselves and asking him question.

"So Kiyoshi, For how long have you been practicing?"

Daisuke asks him and he replies that he's already done with the practices with Yuki but then he stops and looks at Tofu while saying, "My last practice going on is with Tofu."

Daisuke nodded and says "Do you mind showing me your fighting skills?"

He seems a bit hesitant but then finally agrees and Daisuke tells him that he'll be fighting Saski

"Don't harm each other, I just want to see how good you are."

he says while giving both the boys their respective bamboo sticks.

Saski says to Kiyoshi as he smiled at him "Let's go Kiyoshi." Shortly after they both started their fight and they both seem to be doing really good, Kiyoshi tries to land unexpected moves on Saski and he's successful in doing so but most of them are blocked by him.

Suddenly Kiyoshi again feels something weird, His Cursed ability mark again glows faint peridot. He manages to dodge some of Saski's attacks but he couldn't do it for long as Saski was really quick and sharp with his moves which ended with Kiyoshi getting tackled to the ground.

"Ah, I am sorry if it came off a bit aggressive." he says while helping him get up.

"It's alright you were actually really good." he says in return to Saski's apology. Daisuke had seem to be notice Kiyoshi's cursed ability glowing, which sparks an idea in his mind.

He called for both the boys. Asking them to sit down as he said that he's going to tell them something.

"You both have completed all the practices required for the awakening process and let me tell you both something. After that process your body won't be the same."

Sitting there with confusion on their faces as to what Daisuke said made no sense to them, "Let me show you." He says in reply to the confusion on the boy's faces.

"Let's just say after the process is done and you both have seen your abilities." He says while getting up and walking a few steps away from them while they both look at him with their full attention,

"So, After that's done the second hard part is controlling your ability."

As soon as he says that he also gives the boys a demonstration of what he means, Putting forward his right palm infront of his which was still inches away from him to harm himself and using his cursed ability he showed them what he actually meant.

"First it isn't something you can play with but-" he stopped and just inches above his palm had a small fire ball levitating in such a way which couldn't harm his hand or the surroundings.

Slowly as he told them he also showed them what he meant,

"Let me first show you what you'll experience at the starting of getting your cursed ability and them we'll work our way up to what you both can do when it's fully under control."

they both nodded and their eyes followed to where Daisuke went and them watching each and every step he took. Daisuke then releases his dark energy in a large quantity which ended up burning a small patch on the field, He turns to them and continues

"Well what I just showed was what's going to happen in the starting."

They both seemed very invested in the topic to even reply then Daisuke again continues with saying "Now when you'll practice enough then it'll allow you to-"

with that he makes the small fire ball grow into a big one and using his other hand to control his movements he shows them all sorts of things that fire could do.

Streaching the small fire ball like a rubber ban and then tossing the fire ball above him and catching it mid way like a magnet attracting a metal,

He made the fire ball grow and the heat in that area also started to make all of them sweat, He ends his talk with him creating two arrows from the fire which were basically fire shaped like an arrow.

The two arrows made of fire floating infront of him suddenly gain up speed and head forward in the direction of where both Kiyoshia and Saski were seated but before they could do anything the fire arrows stopped infront of their respective faces just inches away from burning them.

The sudden action causes both the boys to get scared but as soon as Daisuke snappes his fingers the arrows dissappear into thin air leaving both the boys flabbergasted.

"What?!" Kiyoshi says followed by Saski says the same "What?! how the heck??!"

Daisuke chuckles and says "This is what having good control over your ability is known as." one of the student's interrupts with saying, "Tofu you also has some similar ability. What don't you show us Tofu?" it was Ayaka who said that looking at him and Tofu in return could just laughs nervously as he said, "What me? nah it's alright let him teach the boys."

Both the boys turned to look at Tofu which made him even more nervous as he wasn't a guy who'd show off his capabilities.

He finally agrees to join Daisuke when he himself calls for Tofu to come and show his ability or just how he puts it in use when he's in a fight.

"Ah, Alright." He says with a deep sigh as he walked towards the front.

Both the boys gaze again follow Tofu's steps,

"I use my ability in accordance to my sword technique." with saying that he pulls out a real sword from his back and as soon as he gives the boys a half smile his Dark energy forms a layer around his sword making the sword glow royal blue,

Nothing at this point can make both Kiyoshi and Saski shift their attention from Tofu.

"Using or disturbing your Dark energy for your cursed ability to work is the major lead in handling a weapon made in The Agency Tech."

he continues but just as Daisuke opted to show what he was talking was similarly done by Tofu.

"Now hypothetically thinking, if my sword somehow slips from my hand then?"

the boys look at him with their full attention and he continues,

"I can use my ability to get it back like this-" saying this he throws his sword to the ground but before it could even touch the ground a wave of water takes it under it and the swords position changes from being away in the levitating wave of water to Tofu's hand.

He continues "It does not end here. It allows me to plan attacks and protect my sword when attacking the enemy at the same time."

Kiyoshi interrupts as he asked a question "Attacking?" he chuckles and shows him with saying,

"Daisuke-" He moves his sword in a way which indicates the water droplets to change their shape into some deadly sharp drops,

He makes the water droplets dissappear and soon they can be seen falling from a great height towards Daisuke but he prevents himself from getting hurt by creating a barrier just above him so the sharp drops couldn't reach him. One of the sharp drop falls infront of Saski and he picks it up but as he does it accidentally caused him finger to get hurt a bleed,

"Outch." he exclaims as he threw the droplet and looked at his finger,

Diverting everyone's attention toward him and Kiyoshi helps Saski stop his finger from bleeding.

"It's really sharp." Tofu says with concern while looking at Saski but when he assured him that he was fine Tofu continues,

"I can even change the shape or the sharpness with the speed for my attack also thus isn't the only weapon my ability can turn into." There Tofu again had their attention, Daisuke interrupts by saying "It's late and am already feeling hungry so let's start our training together from tomorrow morning. At Five in the morning?"

All of the student's agreed with him and got up to leave while they talked about small topics. They make their way to The Agency's dinning area to have their dinner together.

It was a Rollercoaster for Kiyoshi as he'd seen and experienced so many new things related to The Agency Tech.

Everyone present there didn't expect normal these days to slowly turn into something crazy which would change their lives forever, loosing someone or having a near death experience is enough for someone to be scared for the rest of their life.

It wasn't going to be easy from today it'll definitely be hard but who knew what could happen.