Chapter Eleven

  Getting drunk and occupying himself with work has been Sebastian's routine for the past weeks. Jayda's face hunted him every now and then. He gets angrier when he remembers his conversation with Lilian, his cousin. 'about her colleague dating the girl he had a one night stand with.'

  He was totally convinced Jayda was just like the other women. All the tears she shed were fake and most importantly, what they had meant absolutely nothing to her.

  He was hurt and dying of jealousy. The thought of another man having what he had with her was making him go crazy and because of his Ego, he couldn't reach out to her.

  Seb couldn't believe he had been celibate for over a month now.

  "Yes," He said as soon as he answered his intercom.

  "There's someone here to see you, sir." Maria, his receptionist said over the intercom.

  "But I'm not expecting anyone."

  "She said it's urgent Sir."

  "She?" Sebastian groaned, hoping it wasn't one of his ex flings.