Chapter Twelve

  Lilian could not pick Jayda up from work so she took a taxi home. Jayda showered, changed into her comfy nightwear, proceeded to the kitchen to look for something to eat. She didn't feel like eating what she had so she ended up ordering pizza.

  The delivery guy came ten minutes after she ordered. Jayda reached for a bottle of coke in the fridge and settled on the sofa to enjoy her pizza while going through the handbook Doctor Davis gave her earlier today.

  Soon enough Lilian walked in.

  "Hey, best friend." She greeted as she placed her handbag on the table, then settled on the couch beside Jayda.

  "Hi. Dinner is ready, I ordered pizza for you."

  "Thanks." Lilian smiled. Her smile grew wider when she saw the book Jayda was reading. An introduction to motherhood kind of book.

  "So how was your visit to the Doctors?" She asked.