Chapter Fifteen

  Annie found it difficult to fall asleep after reading the romantic text Eric sent her which made her stomach flip. He knew how to make a woman feel special.

  She woke up feeling nauseous, left her bed for the bathroom, buried her face in the toilet and puked in it. A tear rolled down her cheeks as she puked the more.

  She has heard a lot about morning sickness but she never knew it could be this bad.

  Annie thought of calling for help because not only was she in pain, she was also scared, scared of what might happen to her baby.

  But it was still too early to call for help. Ella had gone back to her apartment, her younger siblings; the twins went with Ella to spend some time with her before they left for boarding school next week. She thought of calling Eric but she did not want to disturb him as it was midnight; three minutes past 3 am.