Invasion pt.2

(2 days later)

3 and the others had made it to the Octarian hideout after a not-so long journey. They had decided to split up, 3 of course being with 4. The two girls were sneaking around, as their goal was to get to the control room and shut off the power. 4 had her gun out at all times, and it was the same for 3. 3 peaked around a corner that lead to an open field, and with no octolings. 3 grinned and signaled 4 to follow her. But once the two got to the center of the field a line of octolings seemed to drop from the ceiling.

"It was a trap 3!" 4 said, pulling her gun out and aiming it at the octolings.

"Crap." 3 thought as she did the same as 4. The two girls began shooting the octolings, however once they splatted all of them more seemed to appear. 3 began to sweat as she started to attack the octolings head on. Just then, a sniper appeared along with a kelp octoling and they began shooting at 4. 3 quickly rushed to 4's side and shot down the octoling, but got aimed by the sniper in the far back of the field. 3 thought she was about to get shot, but then Jake and Alex came out of no where and splatted the sniper. Alex rushed to an injured 4 and put her on his shoulder as they took cover so he could treat her.

"Jake, what are you doing here!?" 3 asked in a slightly panicked voice.

"Well, we heard shooting, so we came to help." Jake responded.

"Splat them all." Came a voice from the other end of the field. On the field was an entire army of octolings with someone standing in the far back behind them. The octolings came running at the agents. 3 then noticed someone jumping up onto the ledge leading to the control room. 3 rushed forward, splatting all of the octolings that were in the way as she ran up to see who it was. She then noticed a charger beam aiming at her. The person fired, however 3 was able to dodge the attack. She looked up and saw 8 standing there. 8 fired again, this time hitting 3 in the leg. 3 limped, she then began running to 8, who was aiming at her still.

"You, You bastard." 8 said, jumping down from the ledge and punching 3 hard in the face, knocking her back to the dirt ground. 3 got up and continued to run and shoot at the boy, who was dodging every shot. 8 grunted and kicked 3, knocking her back once more.

"Just die already!" 8 screamed, he started to get mad.

"Nugh, no, not yet.." 3 said with exhaustion in her voice. 3 then saw a crazy grin appear on 8's face as he ran past her and shot Jake in the back of the head, Jake turned around, only to be slammed with a roller. 3 was confused, as she didn't know where that roller came from, it she didn't care. She ran to go help her friend, only to be stopped up 8, who was aiming his charger at her head.

"Don't move." 8 stated boldly, the grin still on his face. His stare was piercing through 3's confidence.

"Why-Why are you with Octavio?" 3 asked, staring the boy right in the eyes. 8's eyes widened as he grabbed his head with one of his hands. He began to have weird flashbacks of a couple of smiling inklings. 8 looked at the inklings as they began to fade, and then he saw himself again. 8 cried out and shook his head, once again punching 3 hard in the face. 3 stumbled backwards, but stayed standing.

"Let me help you 8." 3 said, reaching for 8's hand, just like before. 8 pulled his hand back and shot 3 in the chest, right where her previous wound from him was. 3 winced in pain as she held her stomach, which was full of pain. 8 jumped back and began t aim at 3 again, though his vision started to become blurry.

"No, NO! 8 screamed as he fell to the ground and held his head in pain. Tears began to form in his eyes as he shook his head. 3 began to slowly walk forward and grabbed onto 8.

"NO, GET AWAY FROM ME! 8 screamed in pain. 3 then pulled him into a soft hug. 8 began to punch the wound, 3 winced, but still kept her grip on him.

"8, please hear me.."