Chapter Thirty: From Old To New

The room is silent as everyone stares at the doorway in shock. " You are still alive.." One of the council members gasps. Lysette looks past them all and stares down Santara who eases her way out of the chair and offers it with a simple hand motion.

" I am alive. I can see that things have fallen apart in my absence. I can see you are lost without my sisters guidance" She answers as the Council all rise to their feet and bow in honor of her.

" Do not bow to me. You all dislike me and I'm not a fan of any of you either" She takes her time, walking around the table, her eyes still firmly locked onto Santara. " I have returned because I now see that I am needed. My nephew has found himself preoccupied.." She approaches Santara, calmly but with a commanding presence until she is face to face her.

" Greetings..your majesty.." Santara stutteres out as Lysette looks her up and down. She doesn't like the scent the this young Lycan provides. She is nothing like her sister at all. She is a coward. She is easily intimidated. She is weak. " Out of my way, little girl " Lysette commands, and Santara follows the order and backs away so that Lysette can take her place in the chair.

" I want to make this clear. At this time, I am not going to divulge where I was and why I left. All you need to know is that I am back. And until further notice, I am taking over for my nephew. " She shoots back a glare at Santara".

" I understand that there has been some debate about who would join my nephew on the throne. It was Victoria's rightful place. Her birthright. But now that she has passed on, that leaves many of you with alot of questions" She looks around the room, seeing that everyone is still in shock. " My nephew will choose a Queen for him when the time comes. And it will be his choice and his choice alone. I do not care about the traditions. You all are fully aware of this. He has more than earned the right to choose his own bride. So for those of you, who joined this council in hopes that your daughter would be picked, go fuck yourself " she growls to which the council gasps.

" The second order of business, I understand that Kingdom is suffering for food. But I would like to remind you all, that there were proper precautions taken by my sister if this were to ever happen. From this point foward, hunting outside our territory is off limits. And trades will cease. We will harvest the livestock that have not been affected by the infestation. We will be hurting for money, but we will survive" She answers. Whilst the council wasn't happy about this, they agreed that this would be the best course of action for the time being.

" And as for this War, against the witches. That will not happen. The people have done nothing wrong and will not be paying the price for their Queen and Princess's ignorance" She glares back at Santara who stares frozen in place. " in fact, that Kingdom is off limits. If any of our kind is caught there from this point foward, they will be executed. Any scouts are to be recalled at once as this will take effect tomorrow" the council agrees to this as well. " And another thing, the council is hearby disbanded. There is no need for you to be here. Any of you. I will be making the decisions from here on out as this is my rightful place to do so. If anyone objects to this, please feel free to take it up with me " She rares her teeth at the council who want to speak out but all decide that it would be best to keep their thoughts to themselves. They knew how capable she was of slaughtering them and so they simply stood up, and turned and left the castle one by one.

Santara goes to leave as well but is stopped by Lysette. " And where do you think you are going" Santara freezes again as she clenches her eyes tightly together. " Um..I was just gonna- "

" Sit your ass down " Lysette orders. And Santara nods and sits down in a chair at the table.

Meanwhile, Raven is working hard at making the serum for Gabriel. She has most of the basic needs completed but she still has a long way to go. " Kara had been completely unresponsive and was no longer weeping which both relieved and concerned everyone in the room.

" What do you think he is going to do now.." Raven asked, trying to break up the tension. " I don't know. If Aurora won't give him what he wants. I'm assuming he going to attempt to find another way around it" Shawn answered. He would teleport to Gabriel but it would just lead to another fight that at this time, Shawn would not be able to win.

" The only ones who could pull that off other than me would probably be the Vampires. But surely he wouldn't go back there. They probably would not even help him at this point" Aurora remarks.

" Well, he isn't in the right frame of mind currently. He is desperate and willing to do whatever it takes to make this happen. For her " Shawn answered.

" If he goes there then he will most likely die " Aurora says as she stares down at Kara who almost looks like she is sleeping. " Again, he is willing to try anything"

" We have to stop him " Aurora Sighs. " We can't let him keep doing this to himself. He is going to go through this all over again. I know I haven't been the best kind of person to him but I don't want him to suffer than he already has had to. I will go and try to reason with him. Shawn..will you go with me? He has known you for so long, so maybe you can talk some sense into him somehow" Shawn knows this is a bad idea but if there any shot of saving Gabriel, he was willing to take it"

" Continue working on the cure. We will try to not be long " Aurora says to Raven as she and Shawn teleport away to the Vampire Kingdom.

Gabriel meanwhile, is nearing Auroras Kingdom. He knows the secret of the magic lays somewhere within the castle. He would have to find it though. He had heard that it layed at the bottom of the castle, deep below the ground. He knew it might take some time, but he also knew he probably had all the time in the world. Queen Aurora and the others had most likely went into hiding somewhere which meant he had full access.

He continued making his way through the desert. The sparkling desert of the witch Kingdom. Where the sand is warmed to the touch, and it radiates A weird glow that is truly remarkable to witness. This was the one thing he had loved about the witch Kingdom. The beauty of it. Even his Kingdom did not have such beauty within it. Though he wouldn't trade it for anything, it was still something that he enjoyed.

" How can such beauty contain such evil" he wondered to himself. Yet this truly baffled that such horrible people could exist within such a beautiful land. They had had this land for thousands of years. And yet, had learned nothing about civility or decency. Something that the Lycans had never lacked.

They learned to appreciate beauty, they had learned to work hard for everything they had. They didn't have access to magics be able to help them accomplish tasks. They didn't have magic to help them solve all their problems. All they had was their hands and their strength. And they built the Kingdom from the ground up. With practically no help at all. It was something to truly be proud of. Which Gabriel always was. It's parents have done so much for the Kingdom. And for his people. They had created an entire society out of nothing but ruthless tribes. Tribes that would have killed each other in their early days. But those trumps were now working together under the ideal that his parents started. And whilst some were not a fan of those ideals, much like his Aunt. He knew they were put in place for a reason.

Kara shoots back up from her sleep, breathing heavily and grabbing her stomach in pain. Raven sees this and rushes to her side. " Are you okay? " She asked as she looked over Kara. " He is so mad. He is so mad at me. He is so angry. He doesn't love me. He doesn't care anymore. He doest even know..." Kara stopped herself. Her heavy breathing stopped completely.

" He doesn't know what? " Raven asked being confused by this. " He had to know..he had to know. That's why he did it. That's why he hit me" Kara gasped as tears fell from her eyes.

" What did he know Kara?" Raven asked again as she becoming increasingly more concerned. Kara turned slowly to Raven, her eyes staring almost void of everything except fear. " That I'm pregnant..."

Aurora and Shawn arrive at the Vampire Kingdom, specifically at the bottom of the mountain so they could discuss strategy. " The best we can do is try to reason with him. He's not going to want to hear it but we have to at least give it a shot"

As they continue talking, they fail to notice the four strangers walking up behind them. " Queen Aurora" a voice calls out. " And Shawn too " They both turn to see Gwen and her followers standing closely behind her.

" Now, Queen..I heard that your daughter..killed my brothers. And I just would like to know why that is" Gwen walked over while the other three stayed in place at her command. " Because they had Tortured Gabriel. And at some points, tried to kill her " Queen Aurora did not fear Gwen nor did Gwen Fear Aurora. But both were tense nonetheless.

" Well...that is fair. My brothers were assholes" She answered as she walked up within a few feet of Aurora and Shawn. " But I'm surprised she could kill them. You must have been training her pretty well " Gwen placed her hands on her hips " Yeah..." Aurora answered back, knowing full well to not trust Gwen.

" I came back because my parents asked me too. Dont worry, I'm not going to seek vengeance on Kara or anything. I'm kind of glad they are dead if I'm being honest. But.." She slide her tongue between her own lips and dragged it across. " You said they tortured he is back too.." Aurora continues watching Gwen.

" From what I've heard..he has lost his mind" She laughed. She knew she wouldn't receive conformation of this though. " I won't lie, I wanna see him. I wanna see what all the commotion where is he? " She smiles inoccently.

" We aren't sure.." Aurora answered which seemed to dissapoint Gwen. " That is such a shame. I really wanna meet him someday. I bet he is fucking cute. I bet that is why your daughter was all over him. Or at least..that is what I've heard " She smirked and crossed her arms. Aurora doesn't respond though and just watches Gwen's every move waiting for her to try something. " Maybe I'll look for him after I meet with my parents. Who knows. Maybe they will want you dead..or Kara dead. And if they do, maybe you'll be seeing me again real soon " She giggles and proceeds to jump high into the sky. The three others proceed to do the same and dissapear in the mist high above.

" This is either really good..or really bad.." Shawn Sighs. " Could we have possibly expected any less? " Aurora looks up to the sky, and the thick mist.