Chapter Thirty One: Unwavering

Raven stares at Kara, at a complete loss for words. Why would Kara open up to her about this? Does anyone else know about this? She would assume not considering this would have been mentioned before at some point. " do you know for sure? "

Kara looked so sure of herself in this moment despite Ravens hesitations. The night of my wedding, me and Pierce had slept together. I didn't want too but I didn't have a choice in the matter. Not without him realizing that I was faking my love for him. And I got pregnant. Pierce was so excited about it.." Kara looks down at her stomach, her hand still clenched around it.

" Pierce told me that Vampires longer to develop if it was outside of their own kind. I haven't been showing but it has been there. I think he said that the expectancy would be almost 2 years. I knew this was a problem, I had no intention of keeping the ruse up that long. But I knew I'd have to come clean about it at some point. But now...I think the baby is gone.." Kara clenched her stomach a little tighter, Raven glances down at it quickly and then back up to Kara. " Gabriel hit me so hard...I think he knew about the baby. I think he wanted me to lose it.." She cries, Raven shakes her head no. " Kara. He would've had no way of knowing that. He wouldn't have done it if he had known. Even if he was upset about it" Raven reaches her hand over " May I? " Raven asks and Kara nods.

Raven takes a deep breathe, concentrating her energy to her palm. She seeking out any signs of life but she hears nothing. She continues this for a few more minutes before finally removing her hand. " I'm sorry Kara.."

Kara knew she had lost the baby. Whilst she never wanted the baby she had intentions to keep it regardless. It was hers. Her first and she would've kept it and raised it to the best of her ability. She wasn't ready for a child yet but she had always wanted one. But now, that chance was taken from her. Gabriel had taken her child from her. Wether he knew it or not, he had taken her first child. And Kara couldn't bare the reality of it. Not him. Not her protector. Not her bestfriend. Not the love of her life.

Gwen steps forth into the throne room. Where two people, a man and woman sat on two thrones. The man, was clean shaven and looked really for his age which was hundreds of years old. His black hair was slicked back, leaving a smooth curve. His eyes were pitch black and matched Gwen's.

The woman, had long curly auburn colored hair. Her eyes were black as well. She also looked to be in exceptionally shape for her age. This was her mother. And whilst she didn't look like her, Gwen respected her as well as her father. That is why she came when they called.

" Gwen..our daughter, has returned home" The man calls out, almost as though he wants to smile can't bare it. " Welcome home Gwendela " Her mother calls to her with the same expression as her father. Gwen kneels down before them, her head pointed down at the floor. " Hello Father. Hello Mother" She calls back. She had never been close to them. Jack and Pierce were their golden kids. The ones who would lead their kingdom to success. Gwen was just the problem child and she had no quarrels with that title. " I am here as you requested" She informs though he parents seem to have very little to offer in the way of happiness for her return. " Did the hunt go well? " her father asked and Gwen shakes her head no. " No. I was searching for some special carriers. And I couldn't find them before I was called to return" She answered. Carriers are how they referred referred humans for carrying their treasured source of addiction.

" That is dissspointing. We have not eaten well in several years Gwen. Do not fail us again " Her father commands to which Gwen nods.

" We have called you here, for your brother's avenegement" her mother speaks up. " We have reason to believe either Kara, the Princess of witches or Gabriel, the Lycan King are responsible. We wish for you to eliminate them both" her mother's rang in her ears. " Yes mother. I will exterminate them both" She dares not object to her parents commands. She had seen so many get disciplined for that betrayal and it was a horror she wished to never endure. " Good. You may leave" They both answer coldly which makes Gwen nod and stand back to her feet and exit the room. Her parents had given her the mission and she was more than happy to oblige. And she had a good idea of where to start.

Aurora and Shawn await outside the castle. Still waiting impatiently for Gabriel's arrival. " If he was going to come here, it would look like he would have shown up by now " Aurora remarked.

" It will take him longer than normal. He isn't shifting for some reason. So this could be several days before he shows up. "

" We can't wait that long " Aurora points out. Shawn nodded in agreement. " We have to get back. We shouldn't leave Kara" And Shawn of course was worried about Raven too.

Above, several hundred feet up, Gwen looked down upon them from some of the rocks on the mountain. " Take me right to her why don't you" She smirks.

Meanwhile, Gabriel has entered the main city of the Witch Kingdom and is walking down the street towards the castle. People look on but dare not intervene which could not be said for the guards who blocked off the road in front of Gabriel. They tried their hardest, using their magic to the best of their abilities but they were no match for Gabriel. He slaughtered hundreds within only a few minutes. The townspeople ran out of the city, evacuating knowing they would not be a match for him either after seeing what he done.

He enters the castle with no more trouble and heads into the throne room where he finds Gooblin mopping the floor. Gooblin looks to him. " I know you. You are Kara's friend " he smiles but Gabriel just ignores him and begins making his way down the halls, looking for a pathway that would lead him to his destination. Gooblin followed closely behind him, completely unsuspecting.

He eventually finds a staircase that is hidden behind a door and he suspects this might have been looking for. " Oooo scary stairs" Gooblin calls from behind Gabriel who steps down the first stair and makes his way further and further down.

Kara was still in Denial of everything that had happened to her. " I know he is angry. I screwed everything up" but Raven interjects " I hope you don't mind me placing my input here. But I've known Gabriel for a long time. And I don't approve of what he did. I know you both have a troubled history. But it could've been solved by talking things out. It could've been handled differently. He had no right to put his hands on you " Raven explains. " I know he is going through alot, and his mindset is very fuzzy at the moment. And I'd like to think that is the reason he did what he did. But it doesn't excuse it. You had a child that you lost because of his actions. He didn't believe you when you tried to explain yourself to him. And while that was his choice, he should have given you more of a chance" Raven sighs, knowing how complicated this situation is. " I just want to see him again. I know he hates me. I just want to see him again. If he wants to kill me then he can. Living with the knowledge of what I did -" Raven cuts her off.

" You did it because you were trying to help. You went through alot too and just because he went through all that shit doesn't take away from what you've been through" Raven explains and Kara does hear the words being said but she still feels strongly. " I know you don't understand. Noone seems to understand. I know everyone thinks that I'm latching onto him in an unhealthy way. But I also know that what he feels right now is justified. But I also know that I don't want anyone by my side but him. Yes, it doesn't excuse what he did. But neither does the shit that I've done to him. I don't need people on my side with this. I don't need therapy or even people to understand how I feel.

I would give up everything in my life..I would give my own life to see him happy" Kara smiles a little. " He isn't my protector anymore. But he is still my bestfriend. He is still the love of my life" Kara turns to Raven. " You would do the same for Shawn..would you not? Anything you could to see him happy. " Raven smiles a little which breaks the concerned expression. " Of course I would. But Shawn would never do what Gabriel did either"

Kara seems to nod to her response and goes back to staring down at her stomach. " Well. We can't help who we love. I know we will never be together. Not after everything but, it doesn't mean that I'm going to give up on him. He didn't give up on me. Not until he thought I had given up on him" she answered. Kara had obviously thought about this and felt strongly. " I'm not trying to change your mind Kara. If you love him, then love him with all your heart but just be careful. We love him too"

It was at this moment that Shawn and Aurora appear back in the room. " He wasn't there. We may have to try again in a few days, Raven looks to Shawn. " why not just teleport to him directly? "

" I have actually tried but it doesn't seem to be working. He must be in a place that wards it off and that could be several places. " Aurora notices that Kara is awake and runs to her. " How are you feeling? " She asks as she places her hand on Kara's Cheek.

" I'm fine mom" Kara answers as Raven heads over and hugs Shawn tightly. " I'm glad you made it back safe " she Whispers to him.

Meanwhile outside, Gwen hides behind a tree with her back against it. She slowly peaks behind the tree and sees the lights on within the Shack. " Hello..Princess" She smiles.