Chapter Thirty Two: The Unexpected Ally

The halls are small and Dark but Gabriel and Gooblin manages to find their way through them. It smelled of ancient woodwork down in the tunnels Gabriel knew he had to be getting close to what he was looking for. He passed by several rooms, searching for the one thing that seemed to be eluding him.

He spends a few hours in the tunnel before finally arriving at a rather old door. The runes carved into the wood seemed to indicate some type of protection for what layed behind it. " This looks important" Gooblin smiles up at Gabriel who steps foward and lays his hand on the door. As soon as he does, the runes on the door begin to glow, and the door opens on its own. Gooblin ooo's and aaa's at the sight that was before their eyes.

There, sat a giant room with stone pillars that formed into an arch way that sat in the center of the room. The room itself was circular in nature and domed at the ceiling. The floors were made of a black stone that looked unfamiliar to Gabriel. As he made his way through the room, he found a bowl atop a shaft that sat behind the archway. Runes covered it completely especially in the bowl which again, Gabriel could not entirely recognize.

" This place is of black magic " Gooblin points out. He could send how evil this place was just from the smell but Gabriel seemed unphased by this. He knew full well what he was getting himself into. Gabriel's walks over to the bowl and stands directly in front of it and reaches behind him and pulls out a rather crude blade. " Are you going to use the portal? " Goodblin asked with genuine curiosity. But again, Gabriel simply ignores him and looks down at the gash on his hand which had just started to heal.

He drags the blade across his hand and allows the blood to flow into the bowl. His blood is thick and seems to resonate with power. Goodblin had never seen such blood before in his life. He knew that this was powerful blood and would make for an effective attempt.

Meanwhile Lystette was stating down Santara before finally speaking after several minutes of silence. " I know what you tried to do. I know how jealous you were of Victoria" She calls Santara out immedialty and Santara was off put by this.

" I wouldn't say Jealous per say...but..what girl doesn't want to be Queen? " Santara remarks which makes Lystette lean foward. " I didn't want to be Queen. In fact, I refused it for the longest time. But this isn't about me. I want you to provide to me proper reason as to why I shouldn't have you killed.."

Santara was silent for a moment and then comes up with something to finally say. " Because there would be no point to it. I have one goal in mind and that is to Kara dead. That is all I truly want. Whilst Gabriel is appealing and would make for a great husband. I don't truly want him. I do however want the freedom and Clarency to do as I wish with Kara " Santara was in no position to be making demands but she was being honest at this time to some degree.

"I have no reason to grant you anything but at the same time..I do not care much for Kara either. Or her mother.." Lystette reasons with herself. " Why is that if you don't mind me asking? " Santara had guessed it would be because of everything that has happened to Gabriel but she also wanted to hear the reasoning.

" Because of reasons that you don't need to know" She snaps back and then adds. " Here is what is going to happen. I am going to exile you from the Kingdom. What you did was an absolute betrayal of trust to Gabriel, The Kingdom and your sister"

Whilst the exile was something Santara wasn't exactly pleased about she admitted that she got a less harsher treatment than what she was expecting. " And secondly.." Lystette peers deep into Santara's eyes. As she does so, Lyatettes eyes begin to change colors, glowly a deep orange. Almost like the flames of hell.

Once she has finally broken the gaze, Santara feels empty inside. Something has changed. She can't smell anything. She can't hear as well as she could before either. " What have you done to me.." Santara asked in a panic. " I have bound you to your human form. You will no longer be able to shift into your wolf form. You do not deserve to bare the pride of the wolves. " This enrages Santara but she tries to keep calm" And last but not least " Lystette pulls out a small vile containing a golden liquid that something similar to melted butter. She opens the top and throws it on Santara and it soaks through her close and into her skin"

" For every Lycan you meet from this point foward, will be able to smell you from miles away and they will know of your betrayel. You have been marked and it will never go away, of that I can assure you. Now leave " Lystette demand as Santara is checking her clothing but not seeing stains anywhere. She looks up an stands and proceeds to leave the castle "

Meanwhile, Shawn and Aurora explaining bumping into Gwen to Kara and Raven. Feeling it best for them to leave as soon as possible considering that it wouldn't be long before she found them. They knew her parents would want Blood and they knew Gwen was the perfect selection to come after them. She was an expert tracker, she was one of the strongest Vampires, far beyond anything Jack or Pierce could have hoped to achieve. And though less openly sadistic, she was still ruthless and showed no mercy when tasked with killing someone.

" I'll kill her too. Just like I did her brother's " Boasted feeling as though she was more than capable at whatever Gwen could throw at her. " No. We aren't not taking chances. You and Aurora are going to leave" Shawn turns to Raven. " Can you take them to one of your other hideouts? " he asked which Raven of courses nodded. " You sound as though you are not coming.." Raven seemed dissapointed a little by this. " I am going to look for Gabriel again. I have to try my best to find him and stop him. I know he wants her back but this isn't the way to do it " Kara feels a snapping sound go through her head at those words. " going to try to bring Victoria back..isn't he? " Shawn reluctantly nods to answer her question.

" I see" Kara responds. " I hope he succeeds" She smiles and steps closer to the group. " He deserves to be happy and if she makes him happy then that is what he deserves ". All three just stare at Kara in complete shock by her attitude change.

Their shock was broken by the sound of the front door getting kicked down where Gwen stood in the now open doorway. " Hello everyone. Sorry it took so long but I did keep my promise. I told you I'd be back " Shawn stands in front of the group. " Go..NOW " Shawn as Raven teleports Aurora and Kara away.

" Now that wasn't nice " Gwen looked saddened by the dissapearence. " What can I say. I have to make your job difficult or I'm not doing mine" Shawn cockily stares, analyzing Gwen's body language. " Don't worry, I'm not going to kill them. I just wanted to meet the fabled Kara. Princess of the Witches. She is very beautiful " she smiles at Shawn who has been caught off guard. " You are really going to disobey your parents orders? " he asks, knowing full well what it meant to disregard the orders of the Vampiric royalty.

" No. Ill get around to it..eventually. They didn't say when I had to do it, they just said it had to get done" she answers as she looks around the room. " I'm guessing Raven is your..girlfriend? That's really cute. Never expected you to find love but hey man, congrats"

Shawn at this point has been completely thrown for a loop by Gwen's demeanor about everything. " Thanks...I think? " he answers back, still ready to fight if she so chooses. Gwen steps further into the house and inspects some items on the table. " You know, I'm not my brothers. And I'm not my parents either. I have reasons for doing the things that I do. I don't hate Lycans and Witches like they do" She explains and then turns back to Shawn.

" I know that it sounds like I am lying but I assure you I am not. They sent me to kill Kara and Gabriel but judging from what I could see...Kara is the one who killed them. I'm impressed by her honestly. And by the way, I know this land like the back of my hand you know. I know you're girlfriend took them about 200 miles away from here. I found Raven a long time ago but never revealed myself to her. I felt like she probably wasn't going to be social. I've been keeping track of her though. Found her interesting " Gwen remarked. Gwen had always loved obersrving creatures and humans and so on. She studied their movements and their psychology and found it fascinating. She had no interest in harming people without good reason. Even the carriers, she only did so for food. And even then she only selected a few. " You are the most confusing Vampire I have ever met.." Shawn scratches his head.

Gwen smiles at what she precieved as a compliment and decided to change the subject. " So here is the thing. I need you to take me to Gabriel. And before you say no, I gave some information that might be useful to him that I want to tell him myself. And if I'm being honest, I just want to meet him I've heard so many stories and never really got to meet him properly before he left. Lycans wouldn't let me anywhere near him. He was the Savior child though. Him and Kara. The kids who would bring the world together and unite the Underworld and earth someday. It felt like such an honor was deprived of me" Gwen places her hands back on her hips"

" I also might be able to help fix him to some degree" She awaits a response from Shawn who thought on the proposal. He could sense no lies from her and no ill intent. " But why do you want to help him..?" Gwen shrugs to answer his question. " If he is going to unite the Underworld. He can't do so with the state he is in from what I've heard"

Gabriel fills the bowl almost completely full of his blood making the runes glow even brighter. As he does this, a green fire appears between the arch. A hand proceeds to extend out of the flames. A hand that for some reason, Gabriel knows all to well. " VICTORIA" He shouts as a giant ball of energy flies from behind him crashing into the arch and destroying it completely making the flames and the hand dissapear. Gabriel stares at the destruction in disbelief and turns to see Gooblin behind him with his hand extended out. He was the castor. "Why...why " Gabriel asks in a broken voice.

" You can't bring back friend like that. It is not right. More ways. Less bad " Gooblin explains to Gabriel who is in disbelief.

" What do you mean there are other ways..." he asks the little creature who had just destroyed what Gabriel felt his one and only chance to get Victoria back. " Your blood tainted. Affect spell. Bring back friend but broken. Not the way. You bring her back right way or no way" Gooblin seemed to be saying that if Gabriel was to bring her back right now, in his state of mind, it would effect Victoria once she crossed over. Which both angered and dissapointed Gabriel who stares back at the rubble.

" I am too broken to even bring her back...fuck...fuck" his emotions began to seep into him again bit by bit and right now all he knew was the disappointment in himself. He had to bring her back. He had to. " Gooblin help. Follow Gooblin" Gooblin snaps his fingers and they dissapear from the room.