Chapter Thirty Seven: Something Old

Three more days had passed and the wedding had finally been planned. Everything was as prepared as it could be. Guards were on high alert, keeping watch over the territory. They had suspected that the Witch Kingdom would have tried to come and have talks of peace and had been instructed to kill on sight.

The wedding would take place tomorrow and Gabriel was both nervous and yet excited. So much had happened since he came back to the Underworld. He had lost so much and now he would getting married and officially taking the Throne. With his Queen, Victoria.

He was still troubled that his Aunt had chose to not go into any details about his parents death. He wanted to know more about it but he could also understood why she wouldn't want to discuss it. No matter how much his curiosity had been eating at him.

Victoria, had finally finished the planning and had chosen to spend her remaining time With Lysette. She needed help getting the dress and considering that Lysette was family, she wanted her to be a part of the process. Lysette had never been one that caried for dresses and makeup. She was strong and preferred to be covered in the dirt and wear the blood of her enemies proudly on her skin. But she relented and agreed to help Victoria.

" What do you think about this one?" Victoria swirled around in the dress she had just tried on. It was beautiful and white and sparkled under the light. Many of the townspeople had offered their talents in making dresses. It would be an honor to have their dress chosen by the Queen. It had almost become a competion of sorts.

" I don't know. I like the other one from before " she pointed to the red dress with black trim in the corner. " I liked that one too. But who knows..maybe we will find another one that we like better"

" Victoria..I know you are excited but I'm not good at this sort of thing" Lysette explained which made Victoria sigh. " I know but I need help. You are the only one I trust to give an honest opinion" Victoria admitted though she also wanted to bond with Lysette. She understood the importance of having her approval. " Victoria..if you don't mind me asking? How do you feel? You just...come back from death and you don't seem at all bothered by it..." Lysette had been thinking about this every since her return and could not hold the question back any longer. Victoria paused, thinking on how to answer the question. " It feels weird. One minute I'm alive. And the next I'm dead. And then I'm alive again. It feels wrong on some level. But Gabriel came for me and saved me " She smiled and turned leaned down, taking off her dress so she could put on a new one.

" What do you mean he saved you..? " Their conversation had been interrupted by Gabriel entering the room.

" GABRIEL! YOU CANT BE IN HERE. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO SEE ME YET" Victoria screamed at Gabriel who looked dumbfounded by her tone. In Lycan culture, it was agreed that seeing a bride in their wedding gown was bad fortune"

" Well...that only goes the don't pick that dress " Gabriel smirks as she removes it from her.

" What is it Gabriel? " Lysette asked, wanting to break up the awkwardness of the situation.

" I actually need to speak with you for a moment. Can you come with me? " Gabriel asked Lysette who happily obliged. Anything to get her out of helping Victoria with dresses.

Back at the Kingdom of Witches, Kara and Gwen had found themselves bonding and training together. Kara wanted to improve her hand to hand combat skills more and luckily for her, Gwen was a well experienced warrior it.

" If you don't know your opponent or their patterns. Then don't charge into a battle. Watch them. Analyze how quickly they can move and stay on the defense until you can adapt to it"

Kara followed Gwen's words to the letter and managed to actually managed to catch on rather quickly. Once Kara had figured out how Gwen approached battle, she was able to defend properly and even get in a few jabs.

"Good..good " Gwen remarks being even more impressed by Kara. " I think we should take a break for now though" Gwen could tell that Kara was getting tired and so she sits down by their training gear where she grabs a water bottle and tosses a water bottle to Kara who catches it.

" So I never really asked. But those Night slashers that you and Shawn were did your parents come to them? " Kara asked as she twist the cap of the bottle and takes a drink before sitting down next to Gwen.

" I am not really sure. I know they had just shown up one day seeking sanctuary and my parents took them in. And it wasn't too long after that, that they were placed with me. They acted as backup but of course they were there to keep an eye on me. They were my parents perfect lapdogs" Gwen leans back on her hands. " Though they obviously have their own goals and are using my parents. I think everyone could see that" Which brings more questions to Kara's mind.

" So the other Vampires feel the same way? " Kara asks.

Gwen giggles and looks over to Kara who took another sip of water. " You can't blame my people too much. There was a time where we weren't this way. About blood and what not. There was a time where we cared for everyone just as much as the Witches. Hell we were far closer to humans than the Witches. But, then blood was introduced. The first taste, the first Vampire to taste it was enough to corrupt my entire people. Blood to us, is an addiction. It makes us stronger and faster...and keeps us looking young. We don't need it to live by any means like the stories on earth would have you believe. But..we do crave it. We crave it more than anything. And when you have an addiction, it can consume your life and make you do things that you aren't proud of. Things you would've never done normally with your witts about you. But..some of us, live for it and embrace it. Blood isn't given willingly and they decided to take it by force. Even I, have hunted for it. Mainly for my parents. I did everything that I could to resist the urge that consumed them. But I haven't had any in so long. I feel as though I'm slowly getting weaker and weaker. And if I'm honest..I'm okay with that. I don't want to become a monster " Gwen looks away and stares at the ground. Kara punches Gwen's arm which snaps her out of it. " You aren't a monster. You are Gwen. And you are my friend. So.." Kara stands back up. " Let's get on with the training. I want to get stronger and apparently you need to as well " She smiles and extends her hand down to Gwen who stares up..and takes her hand with a smile.

" Some of the guards have come to me" Gabriel walks into the throne room with Lysette who follows close behind. " They have gotten the scent of Santara.." Gabriel explains as Lysette stares on. " She isn't in the territory but she is definitely close enough. I am thinking that we should do something about it before it becomes a problem" he adds as he crosses his arms. He trusted his Aunts input and that is why he brought this to her attention.

" I do agree this would need to be handled. And I will be the one to handle it. The kingdom needs their King and Queen". She had already exiled Santata but with Victoria being back. She knew this could lead to disaster. She knew that Santata had a grudge against her and she would be able to quickly dispose of her. " Are you sure? We don't know what she would be bringing with her. She is dangerous even if she is weak"

" I can handle that little pup Gabriel. Hell I can handle her and be back before the wedding even takes place. I am going to handle it" She seemes to be firm in her thoughts on this and Gabriel nods. " Fine. Just be careful" he warns. " No. You be careful nephew" Lysette steps foward and hugs him tightly. Gabriel hugged back, and once the embrace was broken, Lysette bowed her head in respect and left the castle.

She knew she should have just killed Santara but had tried to spare her. She could just leave her alone for the time being and do nothing about it but she also knew that Santara was a danger. Especially with the wedding and how much she wanted the place of Victoria despite the lies she spoke. Lysette never believed her for a second. That is except for the wish of Kara's death. She would stop her though. And she would show her no mercy this time. She refused to let her nephew to go through any more hardship than he had already endured.