Chapter Thirty Eight: Learning to Let Go

Kara and Gwen continued their training. Kara had improved her speed dramatically and reaction time. She was able to dodge the attacks that Gwen threw at her with ease. Gwen was holding herself back less and less and that meant if a hit did connect, it would possibly break Kara. But she knew Kara wanted this. She wanted her to give everything she had and she obliged with a barrage of attacks including punches, kicks, and occasional headbutt.

" Come on Gwen..I know you can do better..HIT ME " Kara demanded which made Gwen twist her body as she threw a final blow, the hardest that she could manage which connected right with Kara's nose, sending Kara flying backwards. " KARA! " Gwen rushes to Kara's side and lifts kneels down beside her. Kara shook her head and clenched her nose.

" I'm okay..I promise I'm okay." Kara tried to shrug off the pain but her face was killing her. That was a hard shot and Kara was surprised she was able to take it as well as she did. " I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you that bad..let me see how bad it is " Gwen pulls Kara hand down, seeing a river of crimson pouring down from her nose.

Gwen stares, almost hypnotized, entranced by the flow of the river. " I'm.." Gwen could barely speak. She was trying to fight her urges. " Its okay..I promise it's fine..I want to keep training. I want to - " Gwen leans foward, placing her lips softly onto Kara's who was shocked. She wasn't sure how she should react as the blood covers their lips and Gwen begins kissing her even more deeply. It felt nice to her, Kara felt a rush come over her. Something she had not felt since Gabriel. She felt thrilled...excited and nervous all at once. She was entranced by the passion and Kissed back as they both fall to the ground, embracing one another.

Meanwhile, Lysette was tracking Santara. Following the scent she had placed on her, knowing that she would be confronting her all too soon. She wasn't sure what to expect but she knew that she could handle herself. Santara had never been that strong. She was not as skilled as Victoria which meant that it should not be too much of a challenge.

Lysette stops in an open field, Santara was close. Lysette prepared herself as she heard a voice call from behind her. " Looks like you finally showed up. Was only a matter of time " Lysette turned to see Santara standing there across from her. She was in her wolf form though and this confused Lysette.

" How did you get your form back.." Lysette questioned as she stared down Santara who looked back with Hungry eyes. " I wouldn't worry about that Lysette" Santara growled back. " I have my ways. All you need to know is that things are going to change. I'm not here to fight you. I'm not here to kill you either. I just wanted you to be informed that your precious nephew has made my hitlist" She confessed.

" Why would you tell me that? I could kill you here and now and solve the entire problem" Lysette barked back.

" Can you? " Santara smirks as Lysette is hit from her side by a mysterious force and is knocked down to the ground hard.

" Like I said, I'm not going to kill you yet. I have plans and you are not going to stand in the way of that"

Lysette looks around, trying to spot what hit her but she sees nothing by Santara and an open feild.

" You can't stop me. None of you can" Santara laughs as Lysette stands back to her feet.

" I don't know what you think you are doing but you are not going to hurt Gabriel...I don't care if you come for me or Kara. But you will not lay another hand on Gabriel" Lysette would die here and now to protect Gabriel. She would do whatever it takes to keep him safe.

" Don't worry. He has a bit longer left on his life than Kara does. But his time will come. He must die. For this world to be at peace. The Lycan King and Kara must die. And I will not let anything stop me" Santara spoke with confidence in her dillusions.

" You are such a fool Lysette. But you only see half of the problem. And now, that I know your secret. I know why you left. But you only got half of the picture. And that is why you will never succeed at protecting him. It is his destiny to die. The same as Kara's. They have to, before the world can be restored to glory"

Lysette listened to Santara's word, holding back from making another move until she can locate the secondary threat. " And where did you get this information from?' She knew she wasn't bluffing. But she couldn't fathom how Santara would possibly know this information.

" From the source of course" Santara answers. This was hard to believe to Lysette. There was no way that she could know the full truth. " I find that hard to believe" Lysette answers.

It was at that time that a mysterious and yet familiar appears again. " Hello again Lysette" The voice calls to her.

" Do you really think your father would approve of me? Be realistic Shawn" Raven says, laying in her straw bed, cuddling up next to Shawn. " Of course he would. He has wanted me to find someone for the last thousand years" he explains.

" And you haven't mentioned me to him at all? " Raven leans up and kisses him. " I have tried but I haven't had the time. Every time I go back there, I have to clean up my siblings messes" he explains.

" How many siblings again? " Raven asked feeling horrible that she couldn't remember.

" 10 brothers and 4 sisters" he answers as Raven remembers feeling shocked the first time she heard it.

" Do you think they would like me too or..?" She knew she wanted their approval. It would affect their relationship too much but it was still important to her. She had never gotten to meet his family and wanted them to like her as much as possible.

" I think they would. They are super protective. But they would know and see that you make me happy and that would be more than enough of them" he smiles behind the void.

" They have wanted to meet Gabriel for a long time but now, it doesn't seem like that is going to happen any time soon" they both think back to the last encounter with their friend.

" I don't know what has gotten into him. Surely he wouldn't have us killed.." She tried her best to believe that Gabriel was better than that but she was worried that he would dissapoint her.

" There is only one way to find out.." Shawn looks to Raven who seems to be slightly concerned by the suggestion but nods. She knew going to see him would possibly prove to be a mistake but they had to take the chance. He was their friend. And whilst the treaty was broken with the witches, hopefully the same lack of tolerance would not be shown to them as well.

Kara slips back into her clothes, trying to get adjusted back into her pants. Gwen slips her shirt back on and looks back to Kara. " I'm sorry if I was too foward. I myself " Gwen walked over to Kara and placed her hand no Kara's shoulder.

" was nice" Kara smiles as she looks down at Gwen's hand. " Just..nice..? " Gwen seemes a little hurt by the comment but Kara giggles. " It was amazing. I wasn't expecting it but it was perfect" she smiles as she rubs where the blood once was, realizing that Gwen had cleaned it for her. " I have never been..well.." Kara tried to explain herself but Gwen stepped closer. " You were great too. And it's okay. You did perfect " Gwen leans foward and kisses Kara softly.

" so confused " Kara thinks back to Gabriel now and sits back down and is followed by Gwen. " I love him..and yet..with what we just did..I felt so good. It wasn't the same as it was with Pierce. I wanted this. It felt good. It felt right. But I also feel like I have betrayed Gabriel again.." Kara clenched her body tightly as Gwen watches on.

" He has moved on from what I can tell. And so you shouldn't feel bad. You deserve to feel good too Kara " Gwen explains, trying her best to comfort her. " I know...but..there is so much that has went unsaid with him. There is so much closure that I feel I will never get. And..I don't want to lead you on.." Kara turns away, feeling more and more awful by her actions. Why couldn't she control herself? Why couldn't she just wait?

" Kara, I know you need closure. But that doesn't change how things are. He has made a choice to spend his life with Victoria. He brought her back from death. And you have to accept that. I'm not saying this because of my needs. I'm saying this because I genuinely care for you. I want you to be happy. You are the first...girl I have done that with in a long time. The first..anyone..I've done anything like that with in a long time. I know I can't change your opinion of how things are. But I know that I see them differently. Gabriel has moved foward and it's not bad that you moved foward to. It's not a bad thing at all. Things have been complicated with you both for a long time and maybe someday you both will get the closure you need. But until then..." Gwen places her hand under Kara's chin, pulling her to face her. " Let me make you happy " Gwen smirks and kisses Kara deeply again"