Chapter Fourty: Call Of The Raven

Kara escorts Gwen to the throne room where Aurora had requested them to go. They enter the throne room and see Aurora sitting in her throne and seeming rather bothered by something. Kara made sure to inquire about it as Gwen stood closely by her side.

" Kara. I know that this is going to be hard to hear. I know this something that none of us wanted to happen. But the time has come..." Aurora explains with a look of sadness on her face.

" I have to leave for a while. I have something that I have to take care of. And whilst I know you are still learning, I need you to step up and take my place for the time being.. "

Kara couldn't believe the words she was hearing. " What could you have to take care of? Where are you going? " Kara asked but was met with resistance. " I can't tell you that for now. Just know, it is of the upmost urgency. And I need to know that I can count on you" Queen Aurora request was completely random but Kara would of course do anything for her mother. " Of course you can. I will do my best. I will give my best. But I wish you didn't have to long will you be gone?"

Kara had been training for this for a long time. She knew everything she would have to do but still wasn't aware that she would have to take charge so suddenly. " I don't know. I will come back someday though. I promise" She answers and with that she stands up and walks over to Kara and hugs her tightly. As she does so, she glances over to Gwen.

" Take care of my daughter.." Aurora's tone was serious and Gwen nodded. " Of course" She would die to defend Kara. Even though she knew fully well that Kara could take care of herself.

Aurora pulls away from Kara, her beautiful, smart, and wonderfully gifted daughter and smiles one last time before dissapearing. Kara was worried for her Mother but Gwen's comforting presence gave Kara confidence.

It was right after Aurora dissapeared that Shawn and Raven appeared.

" Did we miss something? " Raven asks as she could see the saddened look on Kara's face.

" Mother had to leave for a while. She didn't really say why but she left me in charge. She just left right before you for here" She explains as Raven heads over to hug Kara.

" I'm sorry we missed her then. We actually just came from The Lycan Kingdom.

Kara gasps at this. " How? I thought he said that we weren't allowed to go there.." She asks as Shawn rubs the back of his head. " Um..turns out..he mainly meant you and your people..." Shawn knew this was awkward but he wouldn't lie to her. Raven nudged him a little in disapproval.

" is he doing?" Kara asks in a tone conveying how uncomfortable she felt by learning of Gabriel's anger still being strong.

" Well...he and" Shawn struggles to say it and Raven knows how awkward this is going to be. She knew how strongly Kara felt. " When we showed up...he was in the middle of getting Victoria.." Raven manages to croak out which leaves Kara stunned for a second.

Her eyes stared straight through Raven and she felt time begin to slow down. She felt like she was trapped in place and didn't know what she could say. She knew what she wanted to say but couldn't for some reason. She shakes her head gathers herself.

" Oh. Well I'm happy for them" Kara smiles and turns away and heads to the throne and sits down, she is followed by Gwen. " okay?" Raven cautiously asked.

" Yeah. I'm fine? Why wouldn't I be?" Kara responded in a joyful tone.

" Because..well...I thought you would've had more of a reaction.." Raven and Shawn looked on as a smile formed its way on Kara's face.

" Gabriel is a grown man. He can do whatever he see's fit. If she makes him happy then that is what I want for him. Though, considering we are no longer allies, this shouldn't be any concern of ours " She adds. This makes Gwen turn to her.

" Kara.." though she knew Kara felt for her, she also knew that Kara felt just as much for Gabriel. And her responses were not indicative of that. Was she putting on a strong face so that her feelings wouldn't be hurt? It made no sense.

" I promise you all that I'm fine. Like I said, it's none of my concern" She answers as she reaches out and take Gwen's hand in hers.

" two are..? " Raven asks to Kara who nods. Gwen can't take her eyes off of Kara though from concern.

" Thats amazing..congratulations.. we just thought we should maybe let you know about it. But I guess we were wrong" Raven looks to Shawn. " We are about to back there. He and Victoria are celebrating and we didn't wanna disturb. So..we are going to go back and just wait it out until we can see him.."

There was an awkward tension That made every one in the throne room uncomfortable except for Kara who seemed oblivious to it.

" Why do you need to speak with him, if you don't mind me asking? " She inquires as she sits back in her mother's throne.

" We wanted to talk to him about everything that happened. We also wanted to give him the serum..and stuff. We mainly missed him and we wanted to see him though. He looks well by the way.." Raven took Shawn's hand in hers to provide comfort considering he wasn't saying anything. She felt so alone in this moment.

" Well that is good to hear. I would offer my best regards but we all know he doesn't want it. So...I guess just make sure that he is truly doing well " Kara continues smiling off the awkwardness. Raven and Shawn nod and proceed to vanish.

Lysette has managed to rest for a little while and has begun scowering her home in search of some healing potions. After an hour or so of searching, she finally finds what she had been looking for. A dark red bottle containing her last Healing potion. She never liked talking about how she got it but she was happy she at least had one left. She proceeds to chug the entire bottle and throws the bottle off to the side of her.

Her strength was coming back to her. " I'm surprised it's still good...20 years since I got it and yet it still does the trick. They really don't make them like they use to " She laughs as she proceeds gathering supplies for her upcoming journey. As she kneels down and searches through an old chest for something, her thoughts go back to Santara.

" That girl has gotten in way over her head" she scowls as she moves some old books out of the chest. " She doesn't understand what she has done. And it makes sense, she is young and wreckless. But then again..I use to be the same way " She remembers back to her childhood.

She would always run around, getting into fights, that her sister would have to come and save her from. It wasn't Lysette couldn't handle herself. It was more so that her Sister would always look our for her even when she didn't ask for that. In so many ways, Santara and Victoria reminded Lysette so much of her and her Sister. Perhaps that is why she loved Victoria so much and disliked Santara as much as she did before Santara lost her mind.

Lysette had always been the trouble kid. Always dissapointing their parents but eventually setting herself straight by Joining the Royal Lycan Guard. Which worked out in the long run, because it meant she could spend time with her Sister and pay back the favor of looking out for her.

Gabriel and Victoria sat on the edge of the bed as they had done for hours. " We should probably do something..." Victoria smiles and leans over and kisses him softly on his neck. " Im..just concerned" Gabriel stares off at the Victoria covers his body with her hands. " Concerned about what, my love? " She kisses up and down his neck as she moves behind his back, wrapping her arms around his waist, kissing up and down his back.

" Lysette should be back by now" he answers. In all truth, he really was concerned about Lysette and why she had not returned. She should have returned by now. But. There was something about this. About this experience with Victoria that felt wrong. He couldn't place a reason as to why that was though. Of course he was attracted to her. And of course he wanted this with her. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. No matter how much he wanted.

" Well..if you want. We can go look for? " Victoria places her chin on his shoulder, looking for his approval. " I think..we should. I'm sorry" Gabriel answers as he stands to his feet.

" Okay" Victoria chirps. " Let's go get her. But when we get back. I want you all to myself " Victoria leans up and kisses his cheek to which Gabriel agrees.

Once they have their gear on, they head out of the door and find themselves greeted with Shawn and Raven. " So..can we talk now?" Raven asks seeing that Gabriel and Victoria were in a hurry.

" If you want, you can come with us. We are going to look for Lysette. She was suppose to return by now. But she hasn't. We are worried" Gabriel explains despite Victoria's disspointed expression.

Raven and Shawn agree to this and they make their way out of the Kingdom. " So..did you both enjoy yourselves? " Raven asks, being able to sense a tension between Gabriel and Victoria.

" Lysette comes before us. She is family" Victoria cocks back which made Raven chuckle. " You totally didn't get laid " She muttered under her breath just enough for Victoria to not here her.

" So, do we know where she went" Shawn asks which Gabriel hesitates to answer. He knew he couldn't answer she went in search of Santara and so he chooses to answer with a shrug. " We should be able to follow her scent" he adds.

Raven and Shawn nodd as they walk. " So..we stopped by to see Kara.." Raven knew it probably wasn't the smartest decision to say this to Gabriel but she wasn't going to hold herself back. She wanted to see if he would have the same reaction.

" We don't think of her " Victoria answers instead which makes Raven turn her head to her. " Well maybe you dont..but I'm sure Gabe does..." Raven didn't like Victoria's tone. She could tell that that was getting frustrated but she also didn't care. They had wanted to confront Gabriel and Victoria's presence is not going to disrupt that.

" Good for you.." Gabriel responds coldly.

" So you don't care to know how she is doing at all since you attacked her? You put her through alot you know.." Shawn points out. Gabriel continues walking, following the very small scent left by Lysette.

" What do you want me to say? I can't change what I did. And she can't change what she did. Yes. I feel bad about it. But our Kingdoms are separated now and it doesn't matter" he answers.

Raven reaches foward and pulls Gabriel back around so that he has to face her.

" Gabriel. Do not tell me you cut off the kingdoms because you don't want to face her..because if so..that is the most selfish thing you have ever done. You hurt her. You could have killed her..the least you could do is apologize to her directly. She deserves that at the least"

Gabriel stares into Ravens eyes deeply. He knew she was serious and was upset. " She killed me. And that is not fair either. It's not like she is innocent in this either " Victoria adds on the behalf of Gabriel which makes Raven turn back to her.

" I understand that. But if I want your input. Then I will ask you for it" She growls which makes Victoria step foward but Is blocked off by Shawn who has placed his scythe in front of her. Victoria looks to Shawn who shakes his head. Warning her to not take another step.

" Do not speak to Victoria that way." Gabriel commands much to the disapproval of Raven who turns back to him.

" I will speak to her however I see fit" her eyes flaring with a sense of anger. " Now as for you. Grow some fucking balls. You need to make things right. You need to fucking fix things. We all fucking know what is going on here. You brought Victoria because you couldn't face the fact that Kara had possibly moved on" Raven could not hold her thoughts inside anymore.

" the fucking consolation prize. And you know it. That's the real reason you didn't fuck her. It's because she isn't Kara. Who might I add, has actually moved on from you now. But that doesn't matter to you, does it? No of course it doesn't. Because you keep saying how much you don't care. But we all know you do. Literally every single fucking person here know that you and Kara are meant for one another. But you both are so fucking stubborn and can't communicate for shit. Thank fucking God me and Shawn exist though. Because God knows how much you have both come to us about how you both feel but can never say it to one another. But you know what? That doesn't matter anymore because Kara has moved on. So keep your fucking consolation prize. Keep your Queen. Who I'm gonna fucking also point out. Is suppose to be fucking dead" the area fell silent.

" Kara didn't even mean to fucking kill her. Santara attacked her and Victoria knocked her out of the well and fell on the blade. And you know what sucks about this the most? Kara? She still blames herself for that shit. So much so that she was happy that you two reunited and got married. Because yes, we did tell her about it. But she was happy for you both. Because she wants you to be happy. That is all she has ever wanted you selfish arrogant prick. So like I said. Grow some fucking balls and you know what? Keep your God damn feelings to yourself. Because she has taken so long to move on from you. And she finally has. And she doesn't need to be hurt again. She doesn't deserve it. But she does deserve the comfort of knowing that her bestfriend doesn't hate her..." Raven then turns back to Victoria who was watching on from behind the Scythe. " I don't think you are a bad person. And I don't think you deserved the shit you dealt with. I know you love him. But this fucker " Raven points to Gabriel who was staring completely silent.

" Doesn't love you. He loves the thought of you. And the sooner you see that. The sooner you will save yourself hurt in the long run. Because unfortunetly. You are not Kara. That doesn't make you less than her. It just means you are not the one he is in love with. And yeah. That fucking sucks for you. And I'm sorry for you. I have to apologize because that dipshit won't. But if you ever interupt me again, What Kara did to you will seem like a God damn Christmas present" Raven growls " Now we are going to keep looking for Lysette. But I needed to make this clear" Raven turns back to Gabriel.

" And if you even think about pulling your hyper aggressive bullshit on me. I will bitch slap you so fucking hard that you will wake up ass up back on earth. Don't fucking talk back to me. Don't fucking argue with me. Think about what I said. And when we are done here. Go to Kara. Apologize. And get the fuck over yourself" Raven turns to Shawn and has him lower his scythe.